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venerdì 27 ottobre 2017

America Latina in onde medie - Log

Qualche ascolto in onde medie a Bocca di Magra. In questo periodo arrivano segnali discreti dal Sud America. (Grazie a Dario Monferini per il suo aiuto per alcune identificazioni!) 73, Giampiero

750 23/10 0445 Radio America, Belo Horizonte, melodic songs, weak/fair
760 26/10 0450 Radio Uirapuru, Fortaleza, Brazil, interview, fair
870 18/10 0525 LRA1 Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina, music, talks, fair
940 18/10 0518 Super Rede Boa Vontade, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, talks, fair //1350

1040 18/10 0510 Radio Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, songs, fair
1050 18/10 0515 Radio Capixaba, Cariacica, Brazil, Deus e' Amor religious, fair
1130 18/10 0500 Radio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, conversation, fair/good
1170 26/10 0455 Radio Atalaia (p) Curitiba, Brazil, long religious talks, weak Capodistria OFF AIR
1190 23/10 0510 Radio America, Buenos Aires, Argentina, talks, weak
1190 19/10 0458 Radio Cordillera Bogota Colombia "Esta es 11-90 Radio Cordillera", fair

1270 23/10 0525 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, songs, fair
1280 18/10 0458 Radio Tupi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, talks, web address, fair/good
1290 18/10 0505 Radio Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, romantic songs, great id, fair

1350 18/10 0515 Radio Boa Vontade, Salvador, Brazil, talks about family, fair
1350 23/10 0500 Radio Buenos Aires, Argentina, id, later religious program, fair good
1390 18/10 0520 Radio Esperanca (p), Porto Alegre Brazil, long religious talks & mx, no id, fair

RX: Excalibur Pro - Ant: ALA1530LNP


TC630MECCA - Izmir

He will operate on 160 - 6m CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK, SSTV.
QSL via home call.
Ads for direct QSL:
Nuri Boylu, P.O.BOX 976 PASAPORT, Izmir, 35214, Turkey.

team papa

buoni ascolti
Francesco Giordano

giovedì 26 ottobre 2017

Nuova sessione esami radioamatori

Genova 20 Novembre 2017

per info: 

la sezione A.R.I. di Genova organizza corsi per preparare i nuovi OM:

L'informazione mi è stata data da IZ1GJH Massimo

mercoledì 25 ottobre 2017

Ascolti onde corte: 40 e 41 metri... e non solo

Ecco qualche ascolto a Milano. Diversi in 40 (banda radioamatoriale usata anche da Somalia ed Eritrea per le loro broadcasting) e in 41 metri. Ma non solo. 73, Giampiero

6070 21/10 0710 Radio Wales Int. Rohrbach Germany songs ids good
6070 21/10 0800 Radio Atlantic 2000 Rohrbach Germany start bc ids good

7120 23/10 1826 Radio Hargheisa, Somaliland, Somalia, phone talks, weak/fair
7140 23/10 1824 Voice of Broad Masses 1, Eritrea, talks, weak
7181.55 23/10 1826 Voice of Broad Masses 2, Eritrea, Hoa songs, fair

7236.74v 23/10 1805 V. o. Peace and Democracy, Ethiopia, talks, muffled mod., fair
7255 23/10 1830 Voice of Nigeria, English, talks, weak nothing on 15120
7280 23/10 1833 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, German, reports, fair
7320 23/10 1810 Denge Kurdistan, Gavar, Armenia, talks, mx, fair //6155 weak
7325 23/10 1814 Radio Cina Internazionale, Jinhua, Italian, tourism in Tibet, good
7480 23/10 1817 Radio Payam e-Doost, Maiac, Moldova, Farsi, song, talks, very good
7540 23/10 1820 Deewa Radio, Udon Thani, Thailand, Pashto to Afghanistan, songs, very good
7550 23/10 1823 All India Radio GOS, Bengaluru, Indian mx, later nx in English, very good //9445 2213

9390 23/10 1848 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, talks in Thai & songs, good
9395 23/10 2208 WRMI Radio Miami International, USA, songs, weak
9420 23/10 2211 Voice of Greece, Avlis, Greek songs fair //9935
9445 23/10 2213 All India Radio GOS, Bengaluru, songs, very good //7550
9490 23/10 2215 KNLS, via Madagascar, Mahajanga tx, religious, Chinese, fair
9600 23/10 2219 Radio Vaticana, Tinang, Philippines, Chinese talks, good
9629.98 23/10 2221 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, talks Voz do Brazil p, weak
9665.87 23/10 2225 Radio Voz Missionaria, Florianopolis, songs, weak/fair
9725.41 23/10 2235 Radio Evangelizar, Curitiba, Brazil, music, weak

11735 23/10 1836 ZBC, Zanzibar, Tanzania, nice Afro songs, fair
11830 23/10 1839 Radio Free Asia, Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands, Korean talks, fair
12050 23/10 1842 Dandal Kura, via Ascension Island, to Nigeria, talks in Kanuri, fair
12160 23/10 1845 WWCR 2 Nashville, TN, USA, religious talks English, weak

domenica 22 ottobre 2017

PETIZIONE - Base Bove, Sito Storico! Eretta da Renato Cepparo I2VZP

di Julius Fabbri IV3CCT

CQ, CQ, CQ YL and OM! Please, sign The International Petition to give an HSMs (Historic Sites and Monuments) status to the ruins of the first italian scientific station in Antarctica, called 'Giacomo Bove Station' (GBS). The Base was built by Renato Cepparo (I2VZP) on January 1976 and destroyed by the Argentine Navy on September 1976.  The goal and high significance is this: save the historic memory, underline the importance of respecting the Antarctic Treaty and stop an international indifference.Thank you, de Julius IV3CCT for II3BOVE (WAP - 271) in honor of I1SR MM (Mobile Marittimo). If you sign, the probability to receive a rare and special QSL after the DXpedition, will increase :) Please, give us a chance to win, thank you! Spread the word, please.
                                            *   *   *   *   *   *   *
La Base Giacomo Bove è stata eretta in Penisola Antartica dal Cav. Renato Cepparo nel 1976 e donata al governo italiano. Poco dopo la costruzione, la prima base scientifica italiana in Antartide è stata distrutta dalla Marina Militare argentina. Il sito è strategico, di pregio ambientale, ma lasciato nell'incuria e nell'abbandono. L’episodio è volutamente dimenticato (damnatio memoriae) e Cepparo messo al bando, invece d’esser insignito del titolo di Pater Patriae. È un’offesa per tutto il popolo italiano che la vicenda sia ancora ignorata dopo 42 anni. Con questa petizione Chiediamo che il governo italiano valuti di proporre la “Istituzione del Primo Sito Storico italiano in Antartide”, affinché sia preservata la memoria della presenza storica italiana in un’area strategica e di pregio, gestita da soli 5 (cinque) altri paesi. Ciò accrescerebbe il prestigio e l’influenza dell’Italia in campo internazionale, favorendo le cooperazioni scientifiche e, soprattutto, restituirebbe ai connazionali l’orgoglio d’essere italiani. Le autorità italiane ed argentine non rilasciano i documenti storici. L'Argentina, in particolare, non rivela dove siano nascosti i resti della Base che sarebbero ancora in un Container a Buenos Aires. Con l'istituzione del sito, si attuerebbe, dunque, l’istituto del FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) calpestato dai funzionari preposti, con la complicità dei paesi aderenti al Trattato Antartico che, pur essendo informati, si girano dall’altra parte.
 Per realizzare il progetto, basterebbe che il Ministero degli Affari Esteri inviasse un'email (una proposta già redatta dall'Ass. cult. Adri-Antartica, in inglese) al Trattato Antartico (ATCM).

unid STANAG-5066 RCOP/UDOP client, Swedish Army (update-3,4)

wrapper protocol MTU and data-block length 
As shown in Figure 1, if the length of the data-block is longer than the max allowed value (1977 bytes in this case) it is segmented into smaller blocks. The timestamp header in the segmented block remains unchanged while the current data-block number and the data-block length are updated. The data-blocks are not filled if their length is smaller then the maximum allowed value. [1]

Fig. 1
Moreover, the maximum lenght of the data-block changes according to the length of the Source/Dest IDs, as shown in Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Now let's have a look at a D_PDU which transports the wrapper protocol. The S-5066 D_PDUs are visible once removed the 188-110A overhead and synched the bitstream on the sequence 0xEB90 (all D_PDUs, regardless of type, begin with the same 16-bit synchronisation sequence).
As shown in Fig. 3, the Application Data, ie the data coming from the S-5066 client application (our wrapper protocol), begin just after the Application Identifier field of the UDOP/RCOP U_PDU. It's worth noting that  the Apllication Identifier is "0x8008", that just belongs to the values which are available for user-defined applications (S-5066 Annex F, table F5).
Fig. 3
So far I found the same 4-byte sequence "00 00 00 01" for both RCOP and UDOP protocols and, in my opinion, it is a sort of identifier of the wrapper protocol PDU (Fig. 4)

Fig. 4
Given the initial 4-byte "identifier" and the lengths of all the headers, the Maximun Transmission Unit (MTU) of wrapper protocol is equal to 2039 bytes for both RCOP and UDOP protocols:

4 + 56 + 1975 + 4 = 2039 bytes

4 + 54 + 1977 + 4 = 2039 bytes

As for above, the maximum lenght of the data-block must vary according to the lenght of the sender/destination IDs and the used timestamp format (9 or 10 digits):

*10-digit timestamp {10,2367731361} (15-byte length)
1975 bytes (Dest ID = 5 bytes)
1977 bytes (Dest ID = 3 bytes)

*9-digit timestamp {9,nnnnnnnnn} (13-byte length)
1977 bytes (Dest ID = 5 bytes)
1979 bytes (Dest ID = 3 bytes)

It's interesting to note in Fig.5 that in case of use of UDOP protocol each D_PDU is transmitted twice unless the last. This makes sense to improve the reliability, since the nature of UDOP protocol itself (a basic connection-less protocol) and the use of S-5066 non-ARQ service.
Also note in Fig.5 that the C_PDU is segmented into 200-byte size C_PDU segments (each segment will be encapsulated in one D_PDU !): as you see, the overhead bytes added by C, S and U sublayers are present only in the first segment (although it's repeated).

Fig. 5
Curiosly, the used C_PDU-Segment size (200 bytes) is the same than the one used in the segmentation examples depicted in STANAG-5066 C.4.2 Edition 3, in our case the max size of C_PDU is 2051 bytes (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6

Since the Maximum C_PDU-Segment size within a D_PDU is a configurable parameter, the choice of a 200-byte size and the "double send" of the UDOP D_PDUs are probably a STANAG-5066 configuration implemented to support the wrapper protocol client. 

data block
Adding the data blocks to form a single file show a repeated 33-byte length pattern which precedes the "magic string", probably  a  common heading to all the messages (Fig. 7). As well as for the "magic string", it's difficult to say the scope of these sequences: indeed, further analysis will focus on the data block trying to get some meaningful. Recordings, help and tips are welcome!


Some interesting observations from the recent catches.

1. I had the chance to copy a transmission on 5206.3 KHz followed by an identical one on 5059.4 KHz after few seconds (Fig. 8). This is quite easy to accomplish since they use S-4538 FLSU for link setup, so the stations of the network are synched and scan the same pool of frequencies at same times. Repetitions increase the reliability of the system but do not know if it was just a planned episode or a routine scenario (more powerful monitoring tools would help...)


2. Usually transmissions are originated from nodes belonging to 006.046.000.zzz block (mostly HWK01) and directed to nodes of the 006.046.001.zzz block. This time I copied a trasmission inside the 006.046.001.zzz block (never copied so far), namely from BYN21 ( to NZH21 (
As above: episode or a normal way to operate?


3. Luckily I copied some transmissions probably just few minutes after the start of a new epoch time of the timestamp clock and thus with a timestamp exhibiting a length of 7, 8 and then 9 bytes (Fig. 10). This is a full automated system working in a FIFO logic, ie the messages are wrapped and forwarded in the same order they arrive  (first came first served).  As well as for the IDs, the wrapper does not use a fixed length for the timestamp: it simply catches the value, computes its length and arrange them in the form {<length>,<content>}. This clarifies why so far I found transmissions with 9 and 10 bytes lengths.
As already debated, the variable lengths of IDs and timestamp affect the length of the data block since it shall be computed to fit the max transmission unit of the protocol (2039 bytes). 


STANAG-5066 Addresses and "Magic Strings"
heard so far:

[006.046.000.zzz] block
OYO01 *

[006.046.001.zzz] block
BYN21 *
HEH002     --"--
NZH21 *


* new ones

Conferenza “ Meteorologia – Strumentazione e standard installativi” 27 Ottobre 2017 Savona

La Sezione di Savona dell’A.R.I. – Associazione Radioamatori Italiani, è lieta

di invitarti alla conferenza “ Meteorologia – Strumentazione e standard installativi”
che si terrà Venerdì 27 Ottobre 2017 , alle ore 20.30 presso il CRAL Porto in
Via dei Carpentieri, 5 a Savona.
Distinti saluti.
Presidente Sezione ARI Savona
Delio Coletti  I1JZV