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lunedì 20 maggio 2024

ARFI diploma - 250 anni Guardia di Finanza

7^ award A.R.F.I. 

Associazione Radioamatori Finanzieri

Presenta :

Nel mese di giugno 2024, dalla mezzanotte UTC del 15 fino alla mezzanotte del 23, i soci dell'associazione Radioamatori Finanzieri usciranno in aria, nelle frequenze radioamatoriali, per celebrare in radio il duecentocinquantesimo anniversario della Guardia di Finanza

Usciremo "on air" con nostri nominativi, con quelli di sezione e con il nominativo speciale II0GDF.

Il regolamento lo troverete nei seguenti link:

il diploma potrà essere scaricato gratuitamente sul sito:

L'award manager è Loreto uno tra i soci fondatori A.R.F.I..




2024 AWARD A.R.F.I. dedicate to “Guardia di Finanza”

On the occasion of the celebration of 250th year of the foundation of Corp “Guardia di Finanza” the members of the “Associazione Radioamatori Finanzieri Italiani” (A.R.FI.) present the 2024 award and invite all radioamateurs in the world to participate.

Objective: Contact as many call and special stations as possible in as many bands as possible.

Date: From 00:00 UTC hours on JUNE 15 to 23:59 on JUNE 23.

Bands: 2, 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 80, 160 in the segments recommended by the IARU.

Modes: SSB ,CW and digital modes (FT4,FT8,)

Participants: Any radio amateur with an official license.

Call: CQ 2024 AWARD ARFI

Granting stations: II0GDF, II0GDF/1, II0GDF/2, II0GDF/3, II0GDF/4, II0GDF/5, II0GDF/6, II0GDF/7, II0GDF/8, II0GDF/9, II0GDF/IS0, national call of the A.R.F.I. association. (5 points)

IQ0JV, IQ0JV/1, IQ0JV/2, IQ0JV/3, IQ0JV/4, IQ0JV/5, IQ0JV/6, IQ0JV/7, IQ0JV/8, IQ0JV/9, IQ0JV/IS0, IQ0JV/IX1, national call A.R.F.I. (4 points)


Valid contacts, one per band and mode with each call and special call station listed in the following table.

Awards: can obtain the award with 100 points downloadable at the link below or on website A.R.F.I.

Plates to the first three classified.

Sign in on "", to download award, eqsl and to consult the personal log.  

Qsl: we only accept and exchange eqsl and qsl papers. (qsl manager IZ7PMQ bureau o direct to:   

                          Mastroviti Loreto

                   Via Bari Residence Roscini snc

                   70054 Giovinazzo (BA)



AWARD MANAGER IZ7PMQ .... qsl card like my call. 


Buoni ascolti da 

73 de IZ1KVQ Francesco Giordano
sito web
qth: Genova - Italy
Grid: JN44LK
CQ Zone: 15
ITU Zone: 28
QSL: Bureau, Direct (no contributi), eQsl, e-mail or Lotw