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sabato 29 ottobre 2022

Ascolti in onde corte. AWR e Radio Marconi Int. hanno ricordato Dario Monferini e Roberto Scaglione

Qualche ascolto in onde corte a Milano. AWR e Radio Marconi Int. hanno ricordato Dario Monferini e Roberto Scaglione. 73, Giampiero

RX: Winradio Excalibur Pro, ant: Dipolo ripiegato

5830 3/10 1650 Iran International, Tashkent Uzbekistan, reports Farsi, fair

5880 23/9 2115 Rock Revolution, Netherlands, songs few ids, fair

5905 2/10 2005 DWD Pinneberg Germany, meteo info German, good

5920 10/10 2100 HCJB Deutschland, Bremen-Weenermoor, Germany, news in German, fair good

5930 16/10 1810 World Music Radio, Bramming Denmark, international music, fair

5970 23/9 2125 R.208 Copenhagen, Denmark, songs, ids multilanguage, weak

6070 2/10 1835 Radio DX Freunde, Rohrbach Germany, songs German, good

6085 2/10 0720 Radio MiAmigo International, Kall-Krekel Germany, "greatest hits" ids in EE, fair good

6090 3/10 1635 Amhara State Radio, Ethiopia, talks Oromo, weak

6100 3/10 1700 Trans World Radio, Manzini, Swaziland, ids, start bc in African language, good

6110 25/9 1740 Radio Fana, Ethiopia, talks Vn, fair

6110 3/10 1642 Furusato no Kaze, Danshui, Taiwan, slow songs, talks in Japanese, good

6115 16/10 1800 Radio Congo, Brazzaville, news in French fair good,

6130 16/10 1815 Radio Jong Europe, Alphen aan den Rijn Netherlands, songs, good -

6135 2/10 1700 Radio New Zealand Pacific, news EE, weak

6140 16/10 1820 Radio Onda, Borculo, Nederland, songs, good

6180 23/9 2135 R. Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, Brazil, talks Portuguese, weak

7600 23/9 2140 Afghanistan International, Gavar Armenia, reports talks Pastho, good

9210 23/10 0800 Radio Marconi Int. Italian pirate, tribute to Dario Monferini e Roberto Scaglione, USB weak

9265 10/10 2015 WINB Red Lion PA USA, religious English, fair

9275 23/10 1930 WMLK Radio Bethel, Bethel PA USA, religious English, good

9330 23/10 1935 WBCQ World's Last Chance, Monticello ME USA, talks EE, fair

9610 23/10 0900 AWR RVS Nauen Germany, Obiettivo DX con Roberto Vacca e Tiziano Braga, ricordo di Dario Monferini, excellent

9620 22/10 1910 All India Radio, Bengaluru, DRM French ch1 and Raagam mx c2, discontinuous audio

9655 16/10 1655 Radio new Zealand Pacific DRM English text id "New Zealand News RNZ PACIFIC" no audio SNR 8.4 dB

9664.88 10/10 2022 Voz Missionaria, Florianópolis Comboriú Brazil, religious Portoguese, good

9670 23/9 0934 Radio Dessau, Channel 292 Rohrbach Germany, talks songs Dutch, good

9670 22/10 1200 Cruising in the decades, via Channel 292 Rohrbach Germany, great music from the past, very good

9700 16/10 1725 Radio New Zealand Pacific, English reports, good

9705 10/10 2030 Radio Vaticana, Santa Maria Galeria, French program, good

9730 10/10 2035 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi-Sontay, French reports, good

9818.878 10/10 2040 Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo Brazil, songs talks Portuguese, weak

9920 22/10 1915 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, talks in Thai, very good

9940 22/10 1920 Trans World Radio, Manzini Swazilanda, program in an African language, very good

10000 30/9 0020 Amici di Italcable, Corsanico Tuscany Italy, music and time every minute, Italian, fair

11625 22/10 1905 R. Japan - NHK World, Yamata, talks in Japanese, fair good

11725 21/10 1800 Radio New Zealand Pacific, news, reports, interview English very good

11780 10/10 Radio Nacional Amazonia, Brazil, songs, PP, fair good

11815.02 10/10 2045 Radio Brasil Central, Goiânia, songs, Portuguese, fair good

11860 21/10 1810 Radio Yemen via Jeddah Saudi Arabia, Arabic songs, QRM Radio Martì

11880 22/10 1900 AWR Talata-Volondry Madagascar, Arabic program, good

11885 21/10 1830 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, start bc in German,  very good

11985 21/10 1820 Radio Free Asia, Agignan Point North Mariana Island, Korean talks, fair good

11930 23/10 1805 Radio Marti, Greenville NC USA, Spanish reports, fair

12050 21/1 1835 Radio Ndarason International, Ascension Island, in Kanuri to Nigeria, talks, good

15190 23/10 1810 Radio Pilipinas, Tinang, talks in Tagalog, good

15520 23/10 1815 R. Exterior de Espana, Noblejas, sport in Spanish, excellent

15720 26/10 1310 WINB in DRM, Red Lion PA USA, English religious, Fair signal S8 slow fading audio with interruptions

15770 23/10 1820 Supreme Master TV via WRMI, Okeechobee, FL USA, music talks English, fair

15825 23/10 1830 WWCR, Nashville TN USA, religious talks English, fair good

17600 23/10 1835 Radio Algerienne (pres), Bechar Algeria, Arabic, talks songs, good

venerdì 28 ottobre 2022

Dario Monferini remembrance by Alan Pennington, BDXC

Dario Monferini DXing

We are very sorry to learn today that well-known Italian DXer, Dario Monferini, has passed away at a nursing home in Milan where he had been living since suffering some heart attacks two years ago.

In 1975 Dario founded the DX bulletin "Play-DX", a weekly printed paper sheet in the days before the internet and email, with valuable DX loggings, tips and news of QSLs received. Play-DX was aimed at "Active DXers" as its heading proclaimed. Dario was especially keen on MW and FM DXing. At European DX Council (EDXC) conferences over the years we would often find him scanning the FM band on the hotel terrace.

Dario also travelled the world, visiting many radio stations in each country visited and collecting masses of radio station stickers and pennants to add to his huge collection.

The stories of his travels made fascinating reading and also presentations at EDXC conferences over the years with many photos of radio stations visited, including at the EDXC conference in Manchester in 2016 where he told of his trip to Canada (see photo below).

In August 1997, Dario visited Caversham during a holiday in the UK, visiting the BBC at Caversham Park and attending a DX meeting held at Piper's Island on the River Thames here. 

We last met Dario at the EDXC conference in Andorra in 2019.

The DX world has lost one of its great champions and characters who will be sorely missed. Our sincere condolences to his family and friends in Italy. Rest in Peace Dario.

Alan Pennington, British DX Club

giovedì 27 ottobre 2022

Un ricordo di Dario Monferini. Con lui se n'è andato un pezzo importante del radioascolto


Dario Monferini in azione. FM DXing al Garraf - foto Jordi Brunet

Dario Monferini se ne è andato. Ci ha lasciati lunedì 17 ottobre prima dell'alba, nella struttura sanitaria dove era ricoverato ormai da mesi qui a Milano. 

Con Dario perdiamo un caro amico e un importante pezzo della storia del radioascolto in Italia e non solo.

Nel 1975, dopo già alcuni anni dedicati alla radio, proprio mentre in Italia stavamo vivendo la rivoluzione dell'emittenza in FM con la nascita tumultuosa di tante stazioni private tra gli 88 e i 108 MHz, Dario diede vita a PlayDX, bollettino cartaceo settimanale. Una newsletter dedicata ai DXer attivi, come recitava lo slogan poi riportato nella testatina di ogni numero.

Una rivoluzione anche questa, soprattutto per noi ascoltatori italiani, che prendeva spunto dai bollettini editi in Nord Europa e che ci permise di scambiare informazioni utili in tempi rapidi sulle emittenti e sugli ascolti effettuati quando ancora non c'era Internet.

Globetrotter. Dario Monferini, con una copia di PlayDX, in visita a una radio in America Latina - foto Marzio Vizzoni

Dario oltre che un ascoltatore era un globetrotter, ha girato tutto il mondo visitando migliaia di stazioni radio. Dal Perù alla Nuova Zelanda, dal Canada al Nord Europa. Di solito tornava con parecchi chili di adesivi, bandierine, depliant e altro ancora che distribuiva tra gli ascoltatori finanziando così il suo hobby e i suoi viaggi. Due suoi fedeli compagni di viaggio sono stati Marzio Vizzoni e Roberto Pavanello.

Era un grande appassionato di FM DXing e di MW DXing. Ogni tanto andavamo a Bocca di Magra, in Liguria, ad ascoltare in particolare le onde medie. Lì, in riva al mare, c'era molto meno rumore che in città e grazie a un loop esterno riuscivamo a fare DXing. L'ascolto era alternato a sostanziose mangiate, naturalmente. Dario era ghiottissimo in particolare di Tiramisù e di panettone.

Da Bocca di Magra, poi, partivamo per ascoltare le FM sopra Lerici e alle Cinque Terre. Avevamo trovato dei punti da dove era possibile fare DX in E sporadico e in tropo (Spagna, Francia, Algeria, Tunisia, Baleari...) . Altre volte facevamo un salto a Quercianella, sotto Livorno, sempre per fare FM DXing.

Tutti gli anni, inoltre, andava in Spagna passando dalla Catalunya dove andava a trovare Jordi Brunet e insieme andavano ad ascoltare le FM sul Garraf. Poi finiva sempre il tour alle Baleari dove dedicava parecchi giorni all'FM DXing.

Gli amici ne ricordano la volontà di ferro e il carattere spigoloso. Tutti ci abbiamo litigato, ma tutti gli siamo rimasti amici. Io lo chiamavo "Tricheco" per i suoi baffi. A lui piaceva quel soprannome e mi ricambiava chiamandomi "Orso". Mi mancherà, ci mancherà.

Ciao Dario


Dario da Ciccio, a Bocca di Magra, durante una pausa tra un ascolto e l'altro. Nel 2018

martedì 25 ottobre 2022

Radio Mi Amigo Int.



Tuning into shortwave's 49 meter band, there a good chance you'll find them: The last remaining AM 'pirates': the music and DJ's of Radio Mi Amigo International on 6085 kHz. No longer from a ship in the North Sea, but from the antenna's at a powerful vintage shortwave transmitter site in the heart of Europe that once belonged to the German army and secret service.

Their daily broadcasts on 6085 kHz from 09:00 in the morning till 19:00 hrs [CET] at night can be heard throughout Europe, depending on shortwave conditions, such as solar activity and high or low pressure weather. Those who care less about that original AM Radio sound, but are more interested in its great selection of music from the offshore radio days, tune in via the internet, Radio Mi Amigo today has a modern website ( ) is on Facebook and even on Twitter. 


Radio Mi Amigo is named after the legendary radio ship: the MV Mi Amigo, the longest serving (1958 -1980) pirate radio ship in history.

She became most famous as Radio Caroline's ship, but also was home to radio stations 'Radio Nord' (Scandinavia), Radio Atlanta, Radio Seagull, Radio Atlantis, Radio Veronica and of course Radio Mi Amigo, the successful Belgian/Dutch station operating in the mid-70's.

Many well-known DJ's and announcers, such as Johnny Walker, Robbie Dale and Tony Blackburn started their careers out on the MV Mi Amigo. DJ's and crew that served on the ship called her respectfully 'the Old Lady', because she was so gracious and had such turbulent history.

In the seventies she was secretly financially backed by 2 ex-Beatles: George Harrison and John Lennon. Both were friends of Radio Caroline's boss Ronan O'Rahilly.


And so true Free Radio continues, using today's technology such as modern studios, a more contemporary presentation style and additional internet web streams. But... still with that original free-radio spirit and totally free of the harsh formats and rules that often makes today's radio sound boring and impersonal.

Our DJ's have not forgotten where they came from. They are free to choose and pick their own songs, tell their own stories as if they were still sitting in that small studio on that magical ship somewhere at sea.

One big difference is that they don't have to wait for a tender to bring mail from their listeners. On this website you'll find their bio's and also their private email addresses so it's easy to communicate and play requests and our listeners favourite artists. Some of the DJ's archive their shows on Mixcloud, so you'll never have to miss anything.

Today's Radio Mi Amigo does not sound like 'any ordinary Oldies station'. Says one of its current DJ’s: "We don't just look at old charts and play their top-10 hits. We always try and find those special songs that somehow bring back a memory or bring a smile to your face. The great offshore hits, sometimes one day wonders, B-sides, forgotten hits or great album tracks... all have one thing in common: they still sound great today on AM and are guaranteed to take you back to 'the Golden Era of Offshore AM Radio!

Radio Mi Amigo on the internet:

More info/links:

Radio Mi Amigo's 1 kW Rhode & Schwarz SK1 transmitter is in the German Eifel.
You can see a nice video of the broadcast facility here:

We stay in touch with our listeners via our website, our newsletter , via Facebook and even via  Twitter and Instagram

And if you are interested in the legendary radio ships and the offshore stations that once ruled the airwaves, 
check out the iBook  'Pirate Radio Ships in the 70s' (for Apple iPads and computers only)


via Bruno Pecolatto-AIR130
(Grazie a Lion Keezer - Station manager RADIO MI AMIGO INTERNATIONAL)