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venerdì 18 novembre 2011

Onde medie a Boc 26

Eccomi di ritorno da BOC 26, ovvero l'edizione numero 26 delle Bocca di Magra DX nights con Dario Monferini. Propagazione così così. Col SFI tendenzialmente al ribasso, salvo una notte che infatti ha visto arrivare piuttosto bene Radio Puerto Cabello dal Venezuela. Questo è un primo log in attesa di sistemare quello, molto più ampio, definitivo delle onde medie. Ricevitori usati: Excalibur Pro, Perseus, SDR-IQ. Antenna: loop Wellbrool LFL 1010 & MaxiWhip

Da notare il segnale chiaro e pulito del beacon dell'ARI Milano (la mia sezione) su 501.306 kHz

RTM Marocco è di nuovo fuori frequenza su 595, permettendo così l'ascolto della Nigeria e del Portogallo su 594

501.306 13/11 0312 IQ2MI Beacon ARI Milan, CW, fair
594 16/11 1846 FRCN Kaduna, Nigeria, African chants, then talks in Hausa, fair signal, fading //6090 (under a carrier)
594 16/11 1808 Radio Sim, Muge, Portugal. commercials, portuguese fado songs, fair
595 16/11 1844 RTM, Oujda, Morocco, today again drifted on 595 from nominal 594 kHz
846 13/11 1935 BSKSA, Saudi Arabia, talks Arabic, fair
846 13/11 2023 Unid, oldies non stop. Here is reported a Pirate radio in Athinai, Greece, ? weak/fair
917 15/11 1815 Radio Gotel, Yola, Nigeria, tk woman Vn, poor, better on 16/11 around 1956
1026 14/11 1940 IRIB Tabriz, Iran Music & long talks, good till 1948 then QRM Spain
1200 15/11 0350 WOAI, S.Antonio, TX, USA, talks, poor/fair fading
1287 15/11 1807 SER Lleida, Catalunya, Spain, local, talks about transports, in Catalan, good
1290 15/11 0325 Radio Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, romantic songs, commercials, ids, talks about integracion, fair (rec Excalibur)
1296 16/11 2027 Sudan Nat. BC, talks by woman, songs fair, fading //7200
1296 13/11 2254 COPE Valencia, Spain, local commercials, good
1296 15/11 1720 Radio Nederland Wereldomroep, via Orfordness UK, reports, temperature in Europe, in Dutch, good
1314 15/11 1957-2000* Voice of Russia, Gavar, Armenia, end of Bc with Himn, very good, //1323 signing off too, tx in Germany fair/good
1314 15/11 2004 Radio Farda, UAE, news, id, songs, good
1341 15/11 1947 BBC Radio Ulster, North Ireland, old blues, good
1359 15/11 1750 CNR1, China, here there are a lot of tx, Chinese pop songs, QRM Gold
1359 15/11 1758 Gold, 2 tx, UK, songs, commercials, id, news. QRM China
1368 12/11 2007 Galei Zahal, Israel, talks, weak to good, //9235
1386 15/11 1935 Radio Poland, via Kaunas, Lituania, maybe in Belarus, id, reports, fair
1395 14/11 1845 Voice of Russia, Gavar, Armenia, Russian, reports, id at 1853, fair
1413 15/11 19.25 Voice of Russia, Grigoriopol, Moldova, Russian, reports, id at 1930, good
1440 13/11 0250 BSKSA, Dammam, Saudi Arabiatalks, Arabic //1521
1467 13/11 2015 BSKSA, Hafar Al-Batin, Saudi Arabia talks in Arabic, some music, fair, some QRM from Iran
1521 13/11 1855 CRI, Urumqi, China, Chinese music, id in Chinese at 1900, good for few minutes, then QRM Spain
1530 15/11 1845 VOA, Sao Tome, in French, African reports, fair/good fading
1566 13/11 1903 Radio Kolbe, Schio, Veneto, Italia, on air again, talks in Italian about Saint Francesco and his land, fair, some fading QRM from TWR Benin
1566 13/11 1907 TWR Benin, African songs, fair when over Radio Kolbe, fading
1566 13/11 2300 County Sound, UK, id, news, songs. Fair
1584 14/11 1910 UNID, disco mx non stop, fair QRM RAI & SER
1593 14/11 2113 VOA, Kuwait, clear interval signal than talks, fair in unid language, over German DRM, at 2115 disappeared. Some list at this time report Radio Free Iraq.
1610 15/11 0332 Caribbean Beacon, usual talks in English, weak
1620 13/11 0412 Radio Rebelde, Cuba, nice music, talks, weak //5025 better on 14/11 0350

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