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venerdì 22 novembre 2013

VOA Radiogram for 23-24 Nov 2013 MFSK128 and MFSK128L (long interleave) modes

Questo fine settimana , il nostro alfabeto non latino sarà russo . In Fldigi : Configurazione > Colori e font > utilizzare il menu a tendina ,   , selezionare la codifica UTF - 8 set di caratteri. 
La versione  software  è  la Fldigi 3.21.77

Ci saranno anche diverse immagini e un confronto delle ( lunghe interleave ) in modalità MFSK128 e MFSK128L .

Ecco la scaletta per il Radiogram VOA , 23-24 novembre 2013 NOVITA ': la colonna di sinistra mostra il tempo nel programma. In parentesi è la durata di ogni modalità.

  1.  01:39 MFSK16 : anteprima del programma (oggi ) ( 3:07 )
  2.  04:50 MFSK32 : Milky Way evoluzione , con immagine ( 4:52 )
  3.  09:41 MFSK32 : campione di testo russo * ( 2,11)
  4. 11:54 MFSK64 : testo russo campione   e l'immagine ( 1:49 )
  5. 13:39 MFSK64/Flmsg  : Aquaponics , con immagine ( 5,17)
  6. 19:11 MFSK32 : Indirizzo e-mail ( 43 )
  7. 19:55 MFSK128 : Diploma di scuola cubesat ( 1,18)
  8. 21:14 MFSK128L : Diploma di scuola cubesat ( 01:39 )
  9. 22:55 MFSK32 : Immagine del satellite ( 02:04 )
  10. 24:58 MFSK32 : annunci di Chiusura ( : 34)
  11. 25:30 MFSK32 : Alcuni extra ...

Calendario di trasmissione - Stazione trasmittente Edward R. Murrow in North Carolina US

1.                 Sab  1600-1630 UTC  17860 kHz 
2.                 Dom 0230-0300 UTC   5745 kHz   
3.                 Dom 1300-1330 UTC   6095 kHz 
4.                 Dom 1930-2000 UTC 15670 kHz  

VOA RADIOGRAM è particolarmente interessata a ricevere rapporti di ascolto eseguiti con   apparati radio portatili comuni. Si prega di inviare i rapporti di ricezione, schermate e campioni audio le  registrazioni,  È possibile utilizzare software come Audacity per registrare dalla radio e per convertire l'audio in mp3, inviate il materiale  a : VOA Radiogram conferma sempre con eQSL.

SOCI  A.I.R.  sul report specificate che siete soci dell'A.I.R. 

More about this weekend's slanted images

More about then slanted images this weekend on VOA Radiogram...

Mark Hirst in the UK writes:

"After several calibration checks, my setting was -2250 for RX."

So you can try Mark's -2250 ppm or Merkouris's -2080 ppm

In Fldigi: Configure > Sound Card >  Settings > Corrections -- under  Corrections set RX ppm to 2080 or 2250 or something in between.  

Record the show if you can and try various adjustments decoding from the recording. 
From his recordings of Saturday 1600-1630 UTC on 17860 kHz, after Mark corrected the ppm, here is his image of the Thomas Jefferson High School cubesat: 

Mark was also able to unslant this image and translate it into English text:

Thanks for your perseverance.


On VOA Radiogram during the past weekend, we had very good success with the decoding of the Chinese text, in both the MFSK32 and 64. Chinese text as an MFSK64 image was less successful, and it took longer to transmit. MFSK images are nice, but it is MFSK text that gets through in difficult reception conditions.

This weekend, our non-Latin alphabet will be Russian. In Fldigi: Configure > Colors & Fonts > use the pull-down menu, perhaps now set to ASCII, to select the UTF-8 character set.

There will also be several images and another comparison of the MFSK128 and MFSK128L (long interleave) modes.

Here is the lineup for the VOA Radiogram, 23-24 November 2013 (the left column shows the amount of time into the show, while the duration of each item is in parentheses):

 1:39  MFSK16: Program preview (now) (3:07)
 4:50  MFSK32: Milky Way evolution, with image (4:52)
 9:41  MFSK32: Russian text sample  (2:11)
11:54  MFSK64: Russian text sample* and image (1:49)
13:39  MFSK64/Flmsg  Aquaponics, with image (5:17)
19:11  MFSK32: Email address (:43)
19:55  MFSK128: High school cubesat (1:18)
21:14  MFSK128L: High school cubesat (1:39)
22:55  MFSK32: Image of satellite (2:04)
24:58  MFSK32: Closing announcements (:34)
25:30  MFSK32: Some extras...

Please send reception reports to

Screenshots are audio samples are also appreciated. Audio of VOA Radiogram received during challenging shortwave conditions is especially helpful. Audio in mp3 format is OK.

Thanks for your reports from the past weekend. I have begun responding to them.

I look forward to your emails this weekend.


Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter
VOA Radiogram

VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC)
Sat 1600-1630 17860 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1300-1330 6095 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.

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