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venerdì 17 novembre 2017

Spagna: ascoltiamo i programmi regionali di RNE alle 7.45 e alle 8.30 di mattina

Radio Nacional de Espana ha diverse finestre locali/regionali durante al giornata. Quelle al mattino delle 7.45-8.00 e delle 8.30-9.00 (ora locale di Roma e Madrid, ovvero 06.45-07.00 e 7.30-8.00 UTC) in autunno e inverno sono ascoltabili bene anche in Italia.

Il notiziario delle 8.30-9.00 locali è trasmesso dal network Radio 5 Todo Noticias

(NB nel fine settimana gli orari regionali cambiano RNE R5 07.05-07.15 UTC -  RNE e RNE R5 11.30-12.00 UTC)

Mauricio Molano Sánchez ci aiuta a capire come funzionano i programmi locali e regionali della RNE:

From past September is a decission of every regional what to do with this 0730-0800 UTC break. Many regions are spliting it between regional and local news. And it seems that all are starting with the regional time until 0745, then local news.

The exception seems to be Castilla y León where we are starting with the local news until 0750, leaving the last 10 min. for the regionals from Valladolid (We are Salamanca, Zamora, León, Ponferrada, Valladolid, Palencia, Burgos, Soria and Ávila).

When I checked what were doing other regions (end of September) I could observe how some regions (Extremadura, Andalucía...) had suppressed the local slot, being regional all the time. I will check again next week.

Ecco alcuni ascolti fatti a Bocca di Magra. 73, Giampiero

Dalle 7.30 alle 8.00 UTC

567 14/11 0730 RNE R5TN Murcia "R5TN Murcia" news, fair/good
576 16/11 0730 RNE R5TN Barcelona "R5TN Catalunya", good
585 16/11 0730 RNE 1, Madrid, National meteo, NO regional news because RNE 1, good
603 16/11 0730 RNE R5TN Sevilla, "R5TN Andalucia" regional news, fair
612 16/11 0730 RNE 1, Lleida, National meteo, NO regional news because RNE 1, fair
684 16/11 0730 RNE 1, Sevilla, National meteo, NO regional news because RNE 1, good
747 16/11 0730 RNE R5TN Cadiz, "R5TN Andalucia" regional news, good
936 16/11 0730 RNE R5TN Zaragoza, "R5TN Aragon" regional news, fair, over RAI
1017 16/11 0730 RNE R5TN Burgos, "R5TN Burgos" Local news, fair
1107 16/11 0730 RNE R5TN Logroño, "R5TN La Rioja" regional news, fair, over RAI !
1305 16/11 0730 RNE R5TN Bilbao, "R5TN Pais Vasco" regional news, fair
1305 15/11 0745 RNE R5TN Ciudad Real, news Castilla y La Mancha, good
1305 16/11 0733 RNE R5TN Ciudad Real, Castilla y La Mancha regional news, good over Bilbao
1413 16/11 0730 RNE R5TN Girona, "R5TN Catalunya" regional news, good
1503 16/11 0730 RNE R5TN La Linea, "R5TN Andalucia" regional news, good

Dalle 6.45 alle 7.00 UTC

621 14/11 0645 RNE Palma, Spain, Baleares News in Mallorquin, fair/good
801 14/11 0645 RNE Ciudad Real, Castilla y La Mancha regional, fair
936 14/11 0645 RNE Valladolid, Regional nx Castilla y Leon, fair, QRM RAI
972 14/11 0645 RNE Melilla, Melilla, local program, id, meteo, news, fair/good
1107 14/11 0645 RNE Ponferrada, regional program Castilla y Leon, fair, fading
1125 14/11 0645 RNE Toledo, regional program Castilla y La Mancha, weak
1305 14/11 0645 RNE Ciudad Real, regional program Castilla y La Mancha, good

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