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mercoledì 28 marzo 2018


D. A. S. M. Rules - Valid for contacts from 01 January 2016

The A.R.I. Section Busto Arsizio, and RBLOB Radio Group, issue the Saint Michael Line Abbeys Award (hereafter abbreviated D.A.S.M.), which will be released to OM and to SWL, in order to raise awareness of the religious monuments dedicated to the cult of St. Michael the Archangel, valuing the architectural heritage, religious and historical structures of those churches crossed by St. Michael Line or St. Michael Ley line.
2. To extend the activity of D.A.S.M. in Europe, the references, valid for the award, have been implemented, assigning them, their own code, as from separate list. The operator may use its own call or a call club, as he prefers. All QSO's must be conducted within the radio spectrum as authorized for that license by the local licensing authority.
3. Any St. Michael contacted or listened Italian reference will be valid for both the D.A.I. that for the D.A.S.M.
4. Foreign nations, valid for the award, are crossed by St. Michael line and they are: France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom.
5. The foreign references are released by the D.A.S.M. Award Manager. Any request for a new one must be sent to email .
6. The abbeys list valid for D.A.S.M. is available on the Internet website: www.ARI-Busto
7. For the activity validation of a D.A.S.M. 80 QSO’s will be required if the reference is a reactivation, while 100 QSO’s will be required if the reference is a first activation (as in D.A.I. rules)
8. For Italian activations, the log must be sent via e-mail in "adif" format to IK2WZQ Manager D.A.I - email and to IK1AWV Manager D.A.S.M. email within 30 days, as in general rules. The logs of foreign activations, with the prefix SM, must be sent via email in "adif" format to IK1AWV Award Manager D.A.S.M. email , within 30 days from activation date.
9. For D.A.S.M. award, QSO/HRD are valid from January 1, 2016. The D.A.S.M. certificate is issued to each OM/SWL, who will sent to the Manager IK1AWV (email: email) the Log extract, in "adif" only, containing the QSO data.
10. The Italian activations must be validated first from the Manager D.A.I..The award is free and it will be sent to the applicants in .PDF or .JPG format only. There are three (3) versions of the Award: Hunter, Expeditioner and S.W.L.
11. The OM, who have activated at least 10 Italian References valid for the D.A.S.M. will receive D.A.S.M. certificate in .pdf format, on demand only.
12. In order to obtain, upon request, the various certificates, the expeditioner, who works Italian references, must reach the following steps:
1) step: 10 References - 1st Certificate
2) step: 25 References - Top 25 Certificate
3) step: 50 References - Excellence Award
4) step: 75 References - Honor Roll
5) step: 100 References - Top Honor Roll
6) step: 150 References - Small wood crest
7) step: 200 References - Wood Award Crest
8) step: 250 References - Excellence Crest
9) step: 300 References - Crest "Hall of fame"
Expeditioner “section outside of Italy"
13. To obtain the various Expeditioner Certificates, the OM operating outside Italy must have activated the following number of references marked SM:
1) step: 1 Reference - 1st certificate
2) Step: 2 References - Top 2 certificate
3) Step 3 References - Excellence certificate
4) step: 4 References - Honor Roll
5) step: 5 References - Top Honor Roll
6) step: 6 References - Small award crest
Special Crest SM will be awarded to those who will activate:
SM001 Skellig Michael Monastry - Skellig Island - Ireland
SM007 St. Michael - Panormitis - Symi - Rhodes - Greece
SM010 Stella Maris Monastry - Mount Carmel - Israel
The award certificate will be issued automatically, after receiving the documents for validation.
Hunters Section
14. To obtain the Certificate, Hunter or S.W.L. must show to have contacted / heard the following step of references:
1) step:
Italian stations 20 References - 1st certificate
Foreign stations 10 References -1st certificate
2) step:
Italian stations 50 References - top 50 certificate
Foreign stations 30 References - top 30 certificate
3) step:
Italian stations 100 References - excellence certificate
Foreign stations 75 References - excellence certificate
4) step:
Italian stations 150 References - Honor Roll certificate
Foreign stations 100 References - Honor Roll certificate
5) steps:
Italian stations 200 References - Top Honor Roll certificate
Foreign stations 150 References - Top Honor Roll certificate
6) step:
Italian stations 250 References - Certificate ”Hall of fame”
Foreign stations 200 References - Certificate ”Hall of fame”
7) step:
Italian stations 300 References - wood crest
Foreign stations 250 References – wood crest
8) steps:
Italian stations 350 References - St. Michael Crest
Foreign stations: 300 References - St. Michael Crest
It’s necessary the possession of the first step to get the next one.
15. All contacts, QSO/HRD , may be effected on all HF bands, in all modes.
16. The standings of Hunters, Activators, and S.W.L. who received their own D.A.S.M.,
will be published on the website of ARI Busto Arsizio www.ARI-Busto and updated automatically.
17. QSL confirmations are not necessary, the cross-electronic control identifies the presence of the QSO in the log of the activator .
18. Anyone, who gets information about foreign abbeys not included in the directory, can send the news to the Award Manager IK1AWV and the new one will entered into the D.A.S.M. database.
19. Each Hunter / Operator / S.W.L can require an upgrade of its position in the ranking once a month.
20. These rules may be subjected to changes, the same can happen to the graphical format of the certificate.
21. The activity, for the purposes of the Award, is considered valid only if done in respect of the general D.A.I. and D.A.S.M. rules.
22. Abbey definition: See D.A.I. Rules.
23) If you don’t find something in these rules, please see D.A.I. Rules published on the website  (click on the "touch hat" button and then on D.A.I. button)

The President: Pier Luigi - IK2UVR;  Award Manager Salvatore: - IK1AWV;  Deputy Manager: Enzo - IK2NBW


Un’antica via di pellegrinaggio, santuari disposti lungo una direttrice misteriosa e la figura di un Arcangelo protettore e guerriero, sono gli elementi fondanti che caratterizzano il mistero della Via Michaelica, un’antichissima rotta di pellegrinaggio che toccò i principali paesi dell’Europa antica.
Questa curiosa via di pellegrinaggio si è rivelata qualcosa di più vasto e profondo. Oggi quasi del tutto dimenticata, se non per i tre importanti e monumentali monasteri che ancora raccontano le antiche gesta e peregrinazioni di migliaia di fedeli, la Via Michaelica resta un enigma storico unico nel suo genere per la precisione, non tanto geometrica quanto spaziale, con cui gli eremi sono stati costruiti in luoghi suggestivi e in certi casi inaccessibili. Suggestione e mistero sembrano pervadere le chiese e le abbazie che portano il suo nome, non solo per il fascino e la bellezza che sembrano promanare, ma anche perché collegate da una linea ideale che prese il nome di Via Sancti Michaelis, una via di pellegrinaggio tra le più antiche e battute nel passato assieme alle consorelle Santiago de Compostela, Roma, la Terra Santa e non ultima la Via Francigena. A fianco dei tre santuari noti, dedicati all’Arcangelo e costituenti i tre centri fondanti della Via Michaelica, sono stati identificati altri punti posti in asse con la stessa immaginaria diagonale di san Michele. Una strana correlazione con i tre principali santuari europei in cui viene venerata la figura dell’Arcangelo, una curiosa linea che sembrava tagliare in due l’Europa. Altri santuari ampliano però tale diagonale fino a giungere al Monte Carmelo, tappa finale di questo lungo viaggio, ma forse anche tappa iniziale.
La Sezione A.R.I. di Busto Arsizio,           con il patrocinio di


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