Associazione Italiana Radioascolto www.air-radio.it - info@air-radio.it LEGGI LA RIVISTA RADIORAMA WEB SU: WWW.AIR-RADIO.IT La collaborazione al Blog AIR Radiorama e' aperta a tutti gli appassionati, previa richiesta di iscrizione tra gli Autori. Il CD AIR si riserva il diritto insindacabile di decidere l'ammissione degli Autori e la pubblicazione sul Blog dei relativi articoli inviati.
FM World
- Oltre 18.000 spettatori al tour teatrale de “Lo Zoo di 105”
- Deejay Ten: tutto pronto a Torino per l’evento di domenica 23 marzo
- Nomine Rai: Marco Caputo è il nuovo direttore di Rai Radio
- Edmea realizza il suo sogno a quasi 101 anni: una visita a Radio Bruno, la sua radio preferita di sempre
- Torna ‘on air’ Radio Pop e Rock: dal 1° aprile, in DAB+ nel Lazio
venerdì 14 dicembre 2018
martedì 11 dicembre 2018
contributo annuale RADIOAMATORI 2019 è rimasto invariato
La responsabile dell'ufficio "sportello M.I.S.E." Ministero dello sviluppo economico - Ispettorato territoriale Liguria, contattata al numero 0102488528, mi ha confermato che del contributo annuale per il 2019 è rimasto invariato pari ad € 5,00.
Tale contributo deve essere pagato entro il 31 gennaio dell'anno 2019. Per i residenti in Liguria il versamento può essere effettuato sul conto corrente postale n. 25971169, intestato alla Tesoreria Provinciale dello Stato - Genova
Buon pagamento
Francesco Giordano
canone 2019,
radioamatori canone 2019
lunedì 10 dicembre 2018
World Radio TV Handbook 2019
Published 7 December 2018 - Order your copy today!
We are delighted to announce the publication of the 73rd edition of WRTH.
We are delighted to announce the publication of the 73rd edition of WRTH.
For full details of WRTH 2019 and to order a copy please visit our website at www.wrth.com where you can also order the B18 WRTH Bargraph Frequency Guide on CD and Download.
WRTH 2019 is also available for pre-order, for readers in the USA, from Amazon.com or Universal Radio in Ohio.
I hope you enjoy using this new edition of WRTH and the new CD.
Best regards,
Nicholas Hardyman
domenica 9 dicembre 2018
NEW Klingenfuss products for 2019
Dear friends,
all new products for 2019
- 2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations
- 2019 Shortwave Frequency Guide
- 2019 Super Frequency List on CD
- 2019 Frequency Database for the Perseus LF-HF
- 1997-2019 Digital Data Decoder Screenshots on USB
have been published by 5 December. We've worked around
the clock and
hundreds of advance orders have been mailed by Friday
7 December,
i.e. well in time for the Christmas holiday and radio
season. Enjoy!
Currently, more than 300
(this Sunday morning: 346!) Kiwi-SDRs
worldwide covering the complete 0-30 MHz spectrum are linked at
www.sdr.hu, offering a total of 1200+ or
even 2400+ fully independent
reception channels . The new Time Difference on Arrival (TDOA)
software tool now even allows HF direction-finding to locate
unidentified radio stations. This is simply great for the reception
and identification of HF utility radio stations, and even NAVTEX on
MF, from interesting locations all over the world. Hundreds of new
digital data decoding screenshots have again been published in our
2019 editions - see some samples on our hotfrequencies website!
Needless to say, all our frequency lists now include the new digital
data transmission frequencies allocation plan for the Maritime Mobile
Service - in force since 2018! See some sample entries highlighted at
Many more full A4 size sample pages of all publications can be found
on our continuously updated website
There you can download the new 2019 catalogue as well, plus detailed
product descriptions, and a list of dealers worldwide, from Australia
to the United States of America. Alternatively, you may ask for our
free 24-pages 2019 printed catalogue to your postal address.
Best wishes, Joerg Klingenfuss
Klingenfuss Publications
Klingenfuss Radio Monitoring
Hagenloher Str. 14
72070 Tuebingen
Phone +49 7071 62830
Fax +49 7071 600849
E-Mail info@klingenfuss.org
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