Questi sono ascolti in onde corte, dai 49 metri andando in alto, fatti a Bocca di Magra (Liguria) e a Pescia (Toscana). Molti sono stati realizzati ancora una volta con la
MaxiWhip, sempre realizzata con un filo di circa 7 metri e il balun 1:32. Stavolta ho usato due fili (invece di uno) di circa 5 metri come radiali. Confermo le impressioni positive. L'ho anche utilizzata con il mio portatile Eton E1 e anche con questo rx si è dimostrata molto performante e poco rumorosa. La mia filare di Pescia, lunga 30 metri, è molto più rumorosa, con un rapporto S/N peggiore della MaxiWhip.
5950 17/10 1735
Voice of Tigray Revolution (pres), Ethiopia, long talks, fair
5995 18/10 2246
RTV du Malì, Afro songs, fair
6025 17/10 2115
PBS Xisang, China, in Tibetan (pres), talks and slow songs, good, //6130 & 6200 NO Iran on the frequency
6030 17/10 1740
Radio Oromiya, Ethiopia, talks with some music, Horn of Africa area style, fair
6055 17/10 1745
Radio Rwanda, long talks with people voices in background, Vn, good
6065 14/10
Voice of Russia, DRM, two programs: you can choose English or French, audio with many holes.
6080 14/10 1921
Radio Kuwait, Arabic, talks, fair //13650
6080 17/10 2120
VOA, via Botswana, in English, old songs, fair
6100 18/10 1835
International R.Serbia, in English, music, culture (an exibition in Verona, Italy). Good
6110 14/10 1916
Radio Fana, Ethiopia, songs Horn of Africa style, fair with fading with QRM from CRI in Russian
6130 14/10 1907
TWR, Swaziland, African song, talks in Vn, good
6165 14/10 1912
RDN Tchadienne, Chad, talks in French, good
6565 16/10 2140
Powerliner, Pirate from Holland, ids, mail, phone number too, songs, really good
7210 14/10 1948
Radio Fana, Ethiopia, songs, //6110 poor under Voice of Korea (North) in English
7240 13/10 2350
Xizang RGD, Lhasa, China, talks man & woman, good //4820
7280 13/10 2340
Belaruskaje Radio, rock, good //6070 &
7295 13/10 2332
Traxx FM, Malaysia, nice songs, talks in English about California and Hong Kong, good
7425 14/10 1954
Radio Nederland, via Madagascar, in English, song, id, talks, fair
7850 18/10 2243
CHU, Canada, pips & ids, weak
9330 18/10 2213
Radio Damascus, Syria, reports in Spanish, low modulation, in LSB to avoid WBCQ The Planet (USA) that modulates only upper side of the carrier. Fair signal but overall poor.
9395 17/10 1915
Radio Pilipinas, Philippines, Tagalog, talks and music, fair //15190 & 11720
9500 18/10 2219
Radio Nederland, via Kigali, Rwanda, in Dutch, talks mentioning Nederland many times, very good
9505 14/10 2037
CVC OneAfrica, Lusaka, Zambia, talks, English, good
9524,97 14/10 2040 Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesian songs, in French, strong signal, QRM CRI in Russian, fair, better in LSB
9525 17/10 1919
TWR, Swaziland, religious songs, fair, QRM CRI in Russian, fair (over China)
9550 17/10 1923
FEBA Radio, via Kigali, Rwanda, talks in Arabic, fair
9565 17/10 2140
Radio Martì, USA, to Cuba, talks, good
9570 18/10 2223
Medì 1, Morocco, usual songs prg, very good S 9+40
9580 15/10 2138
Africa 1, Gabon, usual songs prg, good
9665 14/10 2050
PMR Pridnestrovye Moldova (Russian Enclave), Songs, id in Russian at 2056 and hymn, very good
9675 17/10 2132
Radio Cancao Nova, Brazil, Voz do Brazil (pres), fair. Stopped at 2159 by CRI
9680 14/10 2058
Radio Thailand, in Thai, talks, Very good S 9+20 /9+30 time signal on the hour
9705 15/10 2050-2100*
Radio Ethiopia, music, id and s.off at 2100
9705 17/10 2150
La Voix du Sahel, Niger, African songs, in French, fair/good
9710 17/10 1927
Radio Australia, Shepparton, reports, in English, weak
9720 13/10 2350
Radio Veritas, Philippines, talks in Asian language, end prg at 2357, good
9725 17/10 1929
RTT, Tunisia, talks in Arabic, good, national program //630 & 12005
9730 14/10 2101
Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi Sontay, start of Bc in French, news, very good
9745 13/10 2359
Radio Bahrain, talks by woman in Arabic, songs, carrier modulated only in upper side. Good
9745 14/10 2104
Voice of Han (pres), Taiwan, Chinese, talks, fair, better in LSB because Radio Bahrain is Co-channel broadcasting, but they modulate only upper side of the carrier, so in LSB I get no interference
9835 14/10 2109
RTM Sarawak FM, Malaysia, Holy Kuran, short religious talk, then songs no stop, fair/good
9950 17/10 1934
AIR, India, DRM, good audio but with some stops, English, news and music. NO LABEL !
10000 13/10 0005
WWV, Fort Collins, USA, male voice, pips & time, fair
11589.2 18/10 2151
UNID Arab bc, really distorted modulation, same talks and Arabic songs. Strong signal, terrible audio
11650 14/10 2020
Radio Australia, reports in English, fair //11880
11665 13/10 2024
Wai FM, Malaysia, pop songs, talks, fair, destroyed at 2029 by CRI on 11660
11670 18/10 2201
AIR, India, English service to Europe, news, very good
11720 17/10 1910
Radio Pilipinas, Philippines, in Tagalog, fair, //15190
11725 13/10 2020
Radio New Zealand Int. reports in English, fair
11740 17/10 1905
Radio Damal, via Woofferton UK to Somalia, talks in Somali mentioning Somalia, nice music, very good
11765 14/10 2014
Super Radio Deus è Amor, Brazil, talks, fair
11830 17/10 1901
VOA Darfur, via Botswana, talks like reports, mentions of Darfur, in Arabic, fair //9800 fair & 9600 very good
11880 14/10 2024
Radio Australia, reports in English, good //11650 At 2028 QRM from R. Romania Int. starting bc
11930 14/10 2030
Radio Martì, USA, id, QRM Saudi Arabia co-channel, poor/fair
11975 17/10 1854-1858*
Lutheran World Federation, via Issoudun, France, talks in African language, id, end BC at 1858, fair
12005 17/10 1850
RTT, Tunisia, 1850, songs, talks in Arabic fair //630 MW
12035 18/10 2208
Vatican Radio, via Philippines, in Chinese, talks, some Italian words. Fair
12050 14/10 2033
WEWN, USA, religious talks in Spanish, fair
13362 15/10 2105
AFRTS, Barrigada, Guam. Talks, show, weak but clear
13590 17/10 1839
CVC OneAfrica, Lusaka, Zambia, pop songs, good
13640 17/10 1843
AIR, Bengaluru, India, Arabic bc, songs, very good
15120 14/10 0720
Voice of Nigeria, in French, nice Afro songs, talks, excellent
15120 17/10 1113
Radio Habana, Spanish, International reports, fair
15190 17/10 1830
Radio Pilipinas, Philippines, in Tagalog, talking about Internet, good
15250 17/10 1834
FEBA Radio, via Ascension Island, in French, talks about man & life, fair
15320 17/10 1118
Radio Mashaal, via Thailand, in Pashtu, reports, fair //15360 with same signal
15345 16/10 2040
Radio Nacional, Argentina, talks and music, good (QRG not measured)
15345.14 17/10 1937
RAE, Argentina, in Italian, sport news, weak/fair
15420 14/10 2000
WBCQ, The Planet, USA, talks in English, modulated only in the upper side of carrier, fair
15580 18/10 2137
VOA, via Moepeng, Botswana, country music, English, good
15640 18/10 2143
DW, via Kigali, Rwanda, in English, reports, good
15850 17/10 1124
Galei Zahal, Israel, talks in Hebrew traslating from English, about Iran, good
17695 17/10 1129
Radio Farda, via Sri Lanka, reports mentioning The Washington Post, in Farsi, very good
17775 17/10 1133
VOA, via Tinang, Philippines, in Asian language, reports, fair/good
21750 17/10 1139
IRIB, Radio Iran, reports in African language, very good, higher broadcasting station today
25000 16/10 1525
MIKES Espoo (pres), Finland, time pips, good
Immagine panoramica 0-30 MHz con la MaxiWhip alle 2015 UTC del 13 ottobre 2011
RX: Excalibur Pro G33DDC, Eton E1
ANT: Wellbrook LFL 1010, MaxiWhip (7 meters vertical & 1:32 balun), Long wire 30 m
QTH: Bocca di Magra (Liguria) JN44XB & Pescia (Toscana) JN53IV