Il 3 gennaio si è conclusa l'era delle Onde Medie per la Francia. L'ultima a chiudere è stata Lione su 603 kHz, L'unica a resistere è la radio privata Bretagne 5 su 1593 kHz
The MW Day After Survey
Ecco in un rapido monitoraggio cosa si ascoltava nel tardo pomeriggio del 3 gennaio sulle frequenze ex francesi
603 kHz The last to go France Info Lyon active till midnight 3 jan at 2303 utc after news off air.
At this time R. Romania Actualitate dominant over RNE R5 Sevilla
711 COPE Murcia e Romania Actualitate
864 RNE Socuéllamos (Castilla y la Mancha) Spain, fair & ERTU Al-Quran al-Karim Egypt fair/good
1206 IBA Reshet Bet, Haifa, Israel, football live, fair & Greek unid radio
1242 Absolute Radio, UK, & IRIB Radio Iran, Zanjan, & R. Sultanate of Oman (good at 2000)
1278 UR 1 Persha Prog., Petrivka, Ukraine & IRIB R Kermanshah, Iran
1377 (see image)
1376v TWR, Gavar, Armenia, Persian, good / 1377 IRIB R Zahedan, weak/fair in USB & after 0000 4/1 non stop songs, dance and rap,
pirate? weak/fair
1404 ERT Komotinis Greece, fair/good & Romania, fair
1494 1494 e 1493.94 Radio Moldova Actualitati, 2 tx, fair. I 2 tx si alternano col fading
1557 Great Mix (see image) Smooth Radio, 2 tx, UK, weak/fair & 1557.025 IRIB Radio Iran, Zabol, weak
1593 20.00 Bretagne 5, id, news, French,
Private station, the only French on MW now
Affollamento su 1557 kHz |
1440 Ex Luxemburg
SBC R Riyadh, fair & Unid could be China for few minutes in early evening. No Beograd 1
Altri ascolti del 3 e 4 gennaio in onde medie
594 3/1 2300 SBC R Riyadh, Makkah (Makkah), Saudi Arabia, id, news, fair
612 3/1 2300 SNRT Al Idaâ Al-Watania, Sebaâ-Aioun, Morocco, great id, news
702 3/1 2300 Radio Jeddah, Duba, Saudi Arabia, id, news, good
747 3/1 2300 Radio Iran, 2 tx, music, talks, good over Spain
756 3/1 2308 CNR 1, China, TX? Chinese music, dominant for few minutes (sunrise in Harbin)
828 3/1 2000 Smooth Radio, 2 tx, UK, 270 watts, songs, ids, weak
837 3/1 2000 R Esfahan, IRIB, Iran, local id, news, Farsi, fair, over Spain
891 3/1 2000 Radio 538, Hulsberg, Holland, songs, ids, good
918 3/1 2001 Radio Inter, Madrid, Spain, id, talks, over Slovenia few minutes, fair
936 3/1 1959 IRIB R. Markaze Azerbaijaneh Gharb, Iran, talks, music, good over Spain
981 3/1 2001 Radio Sim, Coimbra, Portugal, id, dominant for 1 minute only!
1035 3/1 2000 Radio Eli, Tartu, Estonia, Russian, talks, fair (NO Media Veneta)
1071 4/1 0240 AIR Rajkot, India, Indian songs, fair/good //5990 7370
1098 3/1 2000 Radio Devin, Slovakia, id, talks, good
1125 3/1 2000 RTBF Vivacite, Houdeng, Belgium, news in French, fair
1143 3/1 2002 AFN Benelux, Mönchengladbach, Germany, news, fair
1188 3/1 2000 R Payam, Tehran, Iran, id, news, good
1197 3/1 1959 Radio Iran IRIB, Moghan, talks, fair, dominant
1251 4/1 0136 Radio Iran IRIB Kiashahr, talks, good
1287 4/1 0132 Greek pirate, songs, fair, QRM Spain
1341 3/1 2000 Radio Gold, tx? Italy, annuncia 1593 e 1611 kHz, fair/good
1359 3/1 1958-2001* Dimtsi Woyane Tigray, Ethiopia, HOA music, talks, end Bc, fair
1350 4/1 0120 Greek pirate, songs, fair
1386 4/1 0016 Greek pirate, talks, Greek songs, fair/good
1431 4/1 0019 Radio Sawa, Djibouti, reports, Arabic, good
1467.33 4/1 0021 Radio Qom, Iran, talks, good
1853.4 4/1 0103 Greek pirate, old Greek songs, fair, note the frequency!!!
Gavar, Armenia, fuori frequenza: 1376 kHz esatti - Su 1377 IRIB Zahedan Iran |
RX Excalibur Pro - ANT: Wellbrook loop 1530S+ Imperium
QTH- Bocca di Magra (La Spezia)