sabato 19 maggio 2012

Il DRM perfetto di Radio New Zealand

Qualche ascolto degli scorsi giorni con l'Excalibur Pro e il fido Drake R4-C a Milano
Sono riuscito ad ascoltare anche Radio Australia su 19000 kHz

4835 2133 15/5 ABC, Alice Springs, talks, English, fair // 5025 weaker, no signal on 4910
6290.65 2020 15/5 Radio Caroline, Pirate, oldies, id, fair/good off at 2030

9505 2124 15/5 CVC OneAfrica, Zambia, in English, songs, talks, fair
9665 2130 15/5 Radio PMR, Pridnestrovye, Moldova separatist area, news in German, good
11695 2100 1575 Radio Australia, news, in English, fair
11725 2032 15/5 Radio New Zealand Int. Talks and songs, fair, some QRM from Belarus on 11730 in English
11735 1840 15/5 Zanzibar BC, Tanzania, dance songs Afro & Western style, news in Swahili at 2100, very good
11765 2040 15/5 Radio Deus è Amor, Curitiba, Brazil, religious talks like sport in Spanish, talking about Paraguay "La Gracia en Paraguay". Good
11780 2104 15/5 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brazil, reports, fair, signal increasing
11830 2110 15/5 DW, via Kigali, Rwanda, English, reports, economics, fair //11800 good and 11865 good, all via Kigali
11850 2046 15/5 Radio Japan, via Talata-Volondry, Madagascar, in French, talks, good
11854.94 2051 15/5 Radio Aparecida (pres) Brazil, music, talks, weak, better in USB
13820 2119 15/5 Radio Martì, via Canada, politics in Spanish, strong jamming, fair
14670 1951 15/5 CHU, Canada, usual pips, weak
15120 1926 15/5 Voice of Nigeria, Abuja, DRM, reports in English, good
15190 1920 15/5 Radio Pilipinas, talks in Tagalog, fair, in LSB to avoid QRM Radio Inconfidencia on 15191.48
15190 1957-2004* 15/5 Radio Africa (pres), Bata, Guinea E., American slow English, talks, abrupt at 2004, no id. Fair
15195 *2000 15/5 Family Radio, via Ascension, start BC in English, strong: kills Inconfidencia 15191.48 and gives few QRM to Radio Africa 15190
15345.04 2008 15/5 RAE, Argentina, in French, reports, then music, fair, low modulation
15419.826 1930 15/5 WBCQ The Planet, Monticello, USA, English religious talks, AM modulated upper side only, fair
15580 1935 15/5 VOA, via Botswana, Reports in Special English, good
15720 1940 15/5 Radio New Zealand Int. DRM, id in English and talks in a Pacific Language, reported to be Tongan, really good audio: no gaps. Perfect! The DRM text gives news headlines. //11725 in AM good

17605 1906 15/5 Radio Nederland, via Vatican State Santa Maria di Galeria, English, talks, good at 1933 //15495 good
17640 1913 15/5 CVC Christian Voice, Chile, DRM, talks, songs, Spanish, good audio, label with text, "test transmission from Calera de Tango, Santiago, Chile" //17680 in AM, fair
17675 2350 7/5 Radio New Zealand Int., DRM, fair signal S=7, audio usable, with few bugs, talks, id at 0000 with news
19000 2335 7/5 Radio Australia, Shepparton, conversation in English, fair

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