VOA Radiogram per il fine
settimana del 13-14 luglio 2013 includerà alcuni elementi in spagnolo. Questo
ci permetterà di rivedere la nostra capacità di visualizzare accenti (segni
diacritici) sul testo MFSK decodificato. In Fldigi, (w1hkj.com) utilizzare la codifica
UTF-8 set di caratteri: Configurazione> Colori e font> Seleziona Select Char Set UTF-8.
Ci sarà anche una breve
trasmissione MFSK nel formato Flmsg. Per rendere il lavoro Flmsg regolare , verificate queste impostazioni in Fldigi: Configure > Misc > NBEMS > sotto
ricezione di flmsg file, selezionare entrambe le caselle.
EASYPAL (SSTV digitale) ritorna questo
fine settimana. Useremo le impostazioni di trasmissione 4-QAM, (più robusta), che
richiede sette minuti per trasmettere un'immagine. È possibile scaricare
EASYPAL da vk4aes.com.
Verrà utilizzato il processore audio Optimod presso
il sito del Nord Carolina per le seguenti trasmissioni : Domenica
0230-0300 UTC su 5745 kHz e alle 1300-1330 UTC su 6095 kHz. Finora, non abbiamo
usato il processore audio, in genere presente per le VOA trasmissioni ad onde
corte vocali, a causa della nostra preoccupazione che il processore potrebbe
influenzare la purezza spettrale dei suoni digitali. Questo fine settimana ci
sarà da scoprire se il processore audio
avrà effetti negativi sulla capacità di decodificare MFSK e EASYPAL. (Radio Australia ha utilizzato il processore Optimod durante i recenti test di testo digitali,
senza problemi e nessuna apparente riduzione della
capacità di decodificare.)
Ecco la scaletta per VOA
Radiogram, 13-14 LUGLIO 2013 (durata di ogni trasmissione nella colonna di
- 03:00 MFSK16: anteprima del programma
- : 38 MFSK32: Saluto al SW ascoltatori a Città del Messico (spagnolo)
- 01:10 MFSK32: Stesso saluto in formato Flmsg
- 02:42 MFSK32: Immagine riferita a incontro a Città del Messico
- 02:16 MFSK32: VOA Spagnolo notizie storia di lune di Plutone
- 02:14 MFSK32: Immagine che mostra le orbite dei satelliti di Plutone
- 05:22 MFSK32: VOA Notizie su sistema satellitare O2B
- 01:05 MFSK32: logo Radiogram VOA e intro di EASYPAL
- 07:04 EASYPAL immagine
- 01:14 MFSK16: annunci di chiusura
- : 22 modalità Sorpresa della settimana
di trasmissione - Stazione trasmittente Edward R. Murrow in North Carolina US
1. Sab 1600-1630
UTC 17860 kHz
2. Dom 0230-0300 UTC
5745 kHz
3. Dom 1300-1330 UTC
6095 kHz
4. Dom 1930-2000 UTC 15670 kHz
VOA RADIOGRAM è particolarmente interessata a ricevere
rapporti di ascolto ricevuti con apparati radio portatili comuni.
Twitter: @ VOARadiogram
Kim Andrew Elliott
Produttore e
presentatore VOA Radiogram
![]() |
del 6 luglio 2013 16.00-16.30 UTC su 17860kHz, le immagini sono quelle ricevute
in modalità MFSK32
VOA Radiogram 13-14 July includes Spanish, EasyPal, Optimod
VOA Radiogram for the weekend of 13-14 July 2013 will include some items in Spanish. This will allow us to review our ability to display accent marks (diacritics) on decoded MFSK text. In Fldigi, use the UTF-8 character set: Configure > Colors & Fonts > Select Char Set UTF-8.
In my decoding from the recording of program to be broadcast 13-14 July, I was able to see the accent marks in the first Spanish item, greetings to the Encuentro Nacional Diexista 2013, a meeting of shortwave listeners in Mexico City. But in the second plain-text Spanish item, a VOA news story about Pluto’s moons, the accents were no longer visible. If this happens to you, during the Pluto story, try closing Fldigi and opening it again.
There will also be a brief MFSK transmission in the Flmsg format. To make Flmsg work adjust these settings in Fldigi: Configure > Misc > NBEMS > under reception of flmsg files, check both boxes, and under that indicate where your Flmsg.exe file is located.
EasyPal also returns this weekend. We will use the more robust 4-QAM transmission setting, which requires seven minutes to transmit one image. Download EasyPal from vk4aes.com.
Another change for the 13-14 July program is that the Optimod audio processor will be used at the North Carolina transmitter site for the broadcasts Sunday 0230-0300 UTC on 5745 kHz and at 1300-1330 UTC on 6095 kHz. So far, we have not been using the audio processor that is typically present for VOA shortwave voice broadcasts because of our concern that the processor might affect the spectral purity of the digital tones. This weekend we will find out if the audio processor has any adverse effect on the ability to decode MFSK and EasyPal. (Radio Australia used the Optimod during its recent digital text tests, with no problems at the transmitter end and no apparent reduction in the ability to decode.)
Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, 13-14 July 2013 (duration of each transmission in the left column):
3:00 MFSK16: Program preview
:38 MFSK32: Greeting to SW listeners in Mexico City (Spanish)
1:10 MFSK32: Same greeting in Flmsg format
2:42 MFSK32: Image related to meeting in Mexico City
2:16 MFSK32: VOA Spanish news story about Pluto’s moons
2:14 MFSK32: Image showing orbits of Pluto’s moons
5:22 MFSK32: VOA News about O2B satellite system
1:05 MFSK32: VOA Radiogram logo and intro to EasyPal
7:04 EasyPal image
1:14 MFSK16: Closing announcements
:22 Surprise mode of the week
As usual, please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com
In my decoding from the recording of program to be broadcast 13-14 July, I was able to see the accent marks in the first Spanish item, greetings to the Encuentro Nacional Diexista 2013, a meeting of shortwave listeners in Mexico City. But in the second plain-text Spanish item, a VOA news story about Pluto’s moons, the accents were no longer visible. If this happens to you, during the Pluto story, try closing Fldigi and opening it again.
There will also be a brief MFSK transmission in the Flmsg format. To make Flmsg work adjust these settings in Fldigi: Configure > Misc > NBEMS > under reception of flmsg files, check both boxes, and under that indicate where your Flmsg.exe file is located.
EasyPal also returns this weekend. We will use the more robust 4-QAM transmission setting, which requires seven minutes to transmit one image. Download EasyPal from vk4aes.com.
Another change for the 13-14 July program is that the Optimod audio processor will be used at the North Carolina transmitter site for the broadcasts Sunday 0230-0300 UTC on 5745 kHz and at 1300-1330 UTC on 6095 kHz. So far, we have not been using the audio processor that is typically present for VOA shortwave voice broadcasts because of our concern that the processor might affect the spectral purity of the digital tones. This weekend we will find out if the audio processor has any adverse effect on the ability to decode MFSK and EasyPal. (Radio Australia used the Optimod during its recent digital text tests, with no problems at the transmitter end and no apparent reduction in the ability to decode.)
Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, 13-14 July 2013 (duration of each transmission in the left column):
3:00 MFSK16: Program preview
:38 MFSK32: Greeting to SW listeners in Mexico City (Spanish)
1:10 MFSK32: Same greeting in Flmsg format
2:42 MFSK32: Image related to meeting in Mexico City
2:16 MFSK32: VOA Spanish news story about Pluto’s moons
2:14 MFSK32: Image showing orbits of Pluto’s moons
5:22 MFSK32: VOA News about O2B satellite system
1:05 MFSK32: VOA Radiogram logo and intro to EasyPal
7:04 EasyPal image
1:14 MFSK16: Closing announcements
:22 Surprise mode of the week
As usual, please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com
VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC)
Sat 1600-1630 17860 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1300-1330 6095 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.
(all days and times UTC)
Sat 1600-1630 17860 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1300-1330 6095 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.
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