venerdì 23 agosto 2013

VOA Radiogram, 24-25 August 2013, MFSK modes and more Chinese


Per la ricezione MFSK consigliato il programma Fldigi( Versione 3.21.74 )  per Linux,Windows XP-Vista Win7. Free. (ricevitore selezionato in AM)

Ecco la scaletta per VOA Radiogram, 24 - 25 agosto 2013:

  1. 02:20 MFSK16: anteprima del programma
  2. 01:46 MFSK32: testo cinese   campione *
  3. 06:33 MFSK32: Notizie di VOA   robot, con immagine
  4. 06:39 MFSK32: Notizie di VOA   Kepler Telescope, con immagine
  5. 4:32   MFSK64/Flmsg: RFE / RL Notizie  in URSS **
  6. 01:18 MFSK32: immagine  
  7. 01:11 MFSK16: annunci di chiusura
  8. 01:24 MFSK16: VOA Radiogram logo (500x44)

* Utilizzare l'UTF-8  In FldigiConfigure > Colors & Fonts, selezionare il set di caratteri UTF8 ,infine Salva e Chiudi.  Reset di  Fldigi tra i test  di VOA  Radiogram

**To make Flmsg  in Fldigi : Configure > Misc > NBEMS -- Under Reception of flmsg files, check both boxes, and under that indicate where your Flmsg.exe file is located.  Salva e Chiudi.

Se i caratteri cinesi vengono visualizzati come dei blocchi   provare a copiare i blocchi in un elaboratore di testi o di un'altra applicazione per vedere se appaiono i  caratteri .   

Calendario di trasmissione - Stazione trasmittente Edward R. Murrow in North Carolina US

                                                                              1500 Hz

1.                 Sab  1600-1630 UTC  17860 kHz 
2.                 Dom 0230-0300 UTC   5745 kHz   
3.                 Dom 1300-1330 UTC   6095 kHz 
4.                 Dom 1930-2000 UTC 15670 kHz  

VOA RADIOGRAM è particolarmente interessata a ricevere rapporti di ascolto eseguiti con   apparati radio portatili comuni.

Si prega di inviare i rapporti di ricezione, registrazioni, schermate  a:

SOCI A.I.R.  sul report specificate che siete soci dell'A.I.R.

Visitate il sito troverete tutte le informazioni per i test  

Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter

Hello friends,

Many of you successfully decoded the Chinese text on VOA Radiogram last weekend (17-18 August). Some saw blocks instead of Chinese characters, but after copying those blocks to a word processor or other application, the Chinese characters appeared. Others were able to see the Chinese characters after installing the East Asian language support files for the operating system. We will try another sample of Chinese text this weekend.

The large SVG-formatted VOA logo within the Flmsg news story, developed by UK listener Mark Hirst, also worked well. It required only 15 seconds to transmit. If you have Internet Explorer and did not see the logo, try renaming the Flmsg file with an .xhtml suffix.

I am trying another method of recording the RSIDs for this weekend's program. Perhaps it will provide a solution to the problems some of you are having with RSIDs. For many of you, the RSID for last weekend's surprise mode, 4xPSKR63, was not detected.

Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, 24-25 August 2013:     

2:20  MFSK16: Program preview
1:46  MFSK32: Chinese text sample*
6:33  MFSK32: VOA News re robot, with image
6:39  MFSK32: VOA News re Kepler Telescope, with image
4:32  MFSK64/Flmsg: RFE/RL News re left-handers in former USSR**
1:18  MFSK32: Image accompanying left-hander story
1:11  MFSK16: Closing announcements
1:24  MFSK16: VOA Radiogram logo (500x44)

*Use the UTF-8 character set. In Fldigi: Configure > Colors & Fonts > Select Char Set. Close and restart Fldigi between VOA Radiogram broadcasts.

**To make Flmsg work with Fldigi, in Fldigi: Configure > Misc > NBEMS > Under reception of flmsg files, check both boxes, and under that indicate where your Flmsg.exe file is located.

Please send reception reports to

I am now responding to your emails from last weekend.

I hope you can tune in this weekend.


Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter

VOA Radiogram

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