Julian Anderson ha pubblicato su Facebook nel gruppo "AIR RADIOASCOLTO " diverse foto interessanti sulle stazioni radio che ha visitato in Sud America , un bel ricordo per tutti noi.
Julian Anderson has published on the Facebook group "AIR Radioascolto" interesting photos on various radio stations he visited in South America, a beautiful memory for all of us

I can't forget to mention my beloved dog Erik, he was my lucky dog: everytime he started to wave his tail, I tuned a new station - hahahaaa
LU2 Radio Bahía Blanca's building, Bahía Blanca City, Argentina. La Nueva Provincia is the city's newspaper, both belong to the same owner. My English grandpa's house, Charles, was just around the corner. February 2, 1986.
LU2 Radio Bahía Blanca's
Radio Musical FM's transmitter site at Morro da Cruz, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. I remember staying there for quite a while, resting from the terrible heat, taking advantage of their air conditioning! January 12, 1986.
Right after visiting Radio Sonorama, Huancayo, Peru. There were few stations where I was UNwelcomed. This was one. It seemed that for them, a DXer was some kind of a terrorist! October 31, 1986.

DXers' Time: Here I am (on the right) visiting DXer Roberto Lara, at Rosario City,Santa Fe Province, Argentina. We were in a bar next to LRA5 Radio Nacional Rosario. Can you see the walls? All the walls in the bar were covered with Radio Pennants, some of them were really rare! July 04, 1991.
Sharing DX Memories with you / DXers' Time: Visiting RAE's studios (Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior, Buenos Aires), from left to right: DXers Julian Anderson, Jorge A. García, Gabriel Iván Barrera; sitting: Guillermo Biaggini. July 12, 1990.
Radio Cultura,

DX Memories (recent ones): Visiting CBN Radio, at Foz do Iguaçú, Paraná State, Brazil. Kind people! January 23, 2014.

recent ones: visiting Rádio Itaipú, 105.7 MHz FM, Foz, Paraná State, Brazil. When I tried to take some pics inside, they almost kicked me off... well, thanks, anyway! January 23, 2014.

On a cold, rainy day, visiting LT8 Radio Rosario, Rosario, Santa Fe province, Argentina. Aug. 18, 1986.
Here I am listening to Tropical bands stations at Felipe L. Flosi's QTH, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on April 1992. I was like a child in a candy store, using all those wonderful anchor radios (he had several, all operational), and logging lots of tiny, low powered stations on the 90 and 120m bands. Woohoo!
These are the German magazine Tele-Audiovision, and the Italian bulletin Radiorama - and that's me in the covers.
Radio Eco, Iquitos, Amazonas, Peru. August 08, 1990. 1) Radio Eco's studio; 2) Entrance. The guy you see in this pic, quickly tried to cover his face after noticing the camera; he was selling drugs to the "Gringo" tourists.
Here I am, on a rainy day, visiting LT3 Radio Cerealista, Rosario, Santa Fe province, Argentina. August 18, 1986.

Radio Atlántida, Iquitos, Amazonas, Peru. 1) studios, 2) building front. August 08, 1990.
Radio Loreto, Iquitos, Amazonas, Peru. 1) Auditorium; 2) studios.
DXers' Time: DX meeting of the Unión de Oyentes Peruanos (Peruvian Listeners' Union) in Lima, Peru, on March 03, 1987. From left to right Alberto Gamarra, Rafael Rojas Foinquinos, Edgardo Landauro, Carlos Saavedra, César Saavedra, Víctor Calero, and Mery Blas Rojas.

Pampas DXing's cover, a bulletin devoted to Latin American DXing, which was edited by yours truly during many years. It reached a number of @ 400 copies per month, which were sent to DX-programmes, collaborators who sent their logs, and as an exchange with many, many DX bulletins.
Radio La Voz de La Selva, Iquitos, Amazonas, Peru. 1) Antennas & transmitter site; 2) offices; 3) building front.
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