Radio Nord Revival is coming back live once again! We will be broadcasting from The Castle off Vaxholm, Sweden on Saturday, August 23. This is in connection with the big Radio Day, arranged by Täby Sändareamatörer. Below is a view of our temporary QTH.
We will be broadcasting on MW 1512 kHz from Kvarnberget, Vallentuna, using 1 kW of power. In addition, the programmes will be relayed from Sala over a 10 kW SW transmitter using A3H modulation plus a 5 kW rig which will operate in the 75 m.b. There are also plans for a low-powered SW transmitter broadcasting from the actual Castle.
Saremo in trasmissione su 1512 kHz MW da Kvarnberget, Vallentuna, utilizzando 1 kW di potenza. Inoltre, i programmi saranno trasmessi da Sala su un trasmettitore SW 10 kW con modulazione A3H più un impianto da 5 kW che opererà in 75 m.b . Ci sono anche piani per una trasmissione a bassa potenza del trasmettitore SW dal Castello reale.
Se siete su Facebook si sono invitati a far parte del nostro gruppo Radio Nord Revival https://www.facebook.com/groups/144438508950612/
Detailed programme (in Swedish) for the Radio Day. (pdf)
Frequencies now cleared for Radio Nord Revival
Our frequency application to the PTS has now been approved and we will be using the following frequencies:
MW 1512 kHz from Kvarnberget, Vallentuna. Licensed power is 2,5 kW but we may only be using 1 kW. Antenna height is 37 metres.
SW 3915 kHz from Ringvalla, Sala. Licensed power is 5 kW and the antenna height is 12 metres.
SW 5810, 6065 and 9295 kHz from Ringvalla, Sala. One of the frequencies will be used at a time. Licensed power is 10 kW and the antenna height is 12 metres.
SW 5770 and 6220 kHz from The Castle, Vaxholm. Licensed power is 0,5 kW and the antenna height is 12 metres. At the moment it is not clear what transmitter that will be used. This is a one-off chance to catch a broadcasting signal from The Castle - the place where the first broadcast ever in Sweden was made on September 1, 1919.
Test transmissions will be made prior to the live broadcasts from The Castle and further information about these transmissions will be made here as soon as we switch on. Please comment in our blog how you are receiving us. As usual, written reception reports can be sent to
Ronny Forslund
Radio Nord Revival
Vita Huset
17995 Svartsjö
Return postage in the form of $ or IRC's is much appreciated.
MW 1512 kHz from Kvarnberget, Vallentuna. Licensed power is 2,5 kW but we may only be using 1 kW. Antenna height is 37 metres.
SW 3915 kHz from Ringvalla, Sala. Licensed power is 5 kW and the antenna height is 12 metres.
SW 5810, 6065 and 9295 kHz from Ringvalla, Sala. One of the frequencies will be used at a time. Licensed power is 10 kW and the antenna height is 12 metres.
SW 5770 and 6220 kHz from The Castle, Vaxholm. Licensed power is 0,5 kW and the antenna height is 12 metres. At the moment it is not clear what transmitter that will be used. This is a one-off chance to catch a broadcasting signal from The Castle - the place where the first broadcast ever in Sweden was made on September 1, 1919.
Test transmissions will be made prior to the live broadcasts from The Castle and further information about these transmissions will be made here as soon as we switch on. Please comment in our blog how you are receiving us. As usual, written reception reports can be sent to
Ronny Forslund
Radio Nord Revival
Vita Huset
17995 Svartsjö
Return postage in the form of $ or IRC's is much appreciated.
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