Sono stato qualche giorno a Bocca di Magra con Dario Monferini per le nostre solite DXnigths. Questa era la numero 29. Dopo molto tempo abbiamo avuto la fortuna di incappare in un momento di buona propagazione in banda tropicale.
L'ascolto più simpatico è stato certamente Radio Quillibamba su 5024.9 kHz. Ascolto di solito impossibile in quanto la frequenza di 5025 è occupata da Radio Rebelde. Ma stavolta l'emittente cubana era OFF AIR !!! Il segnale dal Perù era molto debole ma non c'erano interferenze e abbiamo potuto ascoltare musica e un id alle 0101. Poi alle 0105 Radio Rebelde è tornata on air e tanti saluti, chissà per quanto tempo.
Ecco comunque il log tropicale
2430 10/4 0324 Makedonsko Radio 1, Macedonia, H 810 x 3, songs, fair
3215 10/4 0318 WWCR, Nashville, TN, USA, religious talks in English, good
3240 10/4 0321 TWR, Mpangela Ranch, Swaziland, African lang., songs, fair
3310 10/4 0148 Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, Bolivia, long talk in Quechua, fair
3320 8/4 2240 Sonder Grense, South Africa, talks, pop songs, weak/fair
3330 10/4 0153 CHU, Canada, time signals, good
3345 10/4 0310 Channel Africa, Meyerton, South Africa, interview, good
3350 10/4 0314 REE, Cariari de Poroci, Costa Rica, Spanish, good
4319 7/4 2008 AFRTS, Diego Garcia, USB, songs, fair
4363 9/4 1603-1606* Monaco Radio, Mont Agel, USB end English BC, id, web, hymn
4699.94 10/4 0013 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, Bolivia, talks, poor/weak
4700 10/4 0335 Voice of Broad Masses, Eritrea, songs HOA style, good //7175
4716.7 10/4 0017 R. Yatun Ayllu Yura, Bolivia, enphatic talks in Quechua pres, weak
4747.05 10/4 0020 Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, Peru, talks, poor
4750 7/4 *1950 PBS, Xining, China, start BC in Chinese, weak/fair
4750 8/4 1705* Bangladesh Betar, in Bengali, news & end of BC, fair
4760.01 10/4 0023 AIR Port Blair, Andamane, India, songs, weak
4765 8/4 1706 Radio Tajikistan, Yangi Yul, reports, fair
4774.946 10/4 0027 Radio Tarma, Peru, nice music, some talks, weak but getting better
4775 10/4 *0400 TWR, Manzini, Swaziland, start BC, slow music, fair
4780 7/4 1955 RTV Djibouti, conversation, phone talks, weaker than usual, weak/fair
4810 8/4 1710 AIR Bhopal, India, reports in Hindi, fair
4810 8/4 1920 Voice of Armenia, Gavar, in Arabic, talks & music, good
4824.48 10/4 0032 La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, talks, weak
4830 9/4 2312 Mongoliin Radio 1, Altay, songs, fair //4895 worse
4834.63 810/4 0059 Ondas del Sur Oriente (pres), Quillabamba, Peru, poor, talks
4835 7/4 1959 ABC, Alice Springs, Australia, talks, id, reports, weak
4840 8/4 0005 AIR Mumbay, India, Indian songs, fair
4845.24 10/4 0037 Radio Cultura, Manaus, Brazil, talks, fair signal but QRM Codar
4859.72 7/4 0238 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, Iraq, talks, poor because jammed
4877.94 7/4 0243 Radio Roraima, Brazil, Brazilian songs, weak (on 10/4 4877.74 fair/good)
4880 8/4 1714 AIR Lucknow, India, music, QRM SW Radio Africa, fair
4885 7/4 0530 Radio Clube do Parà, Brazil, oldies songs, fair
4915 9/4 2318 Difusora Macapà & Radio Daqui (4914.91), mixed, fair signals but not usable
4925.22 9/4 2320 Educacao Rural, Tefé, Brazil, talks, poor
4930 8/4 1720 VOA, Mopeng Hill, Botswana, reports mentioning Zimbabwe, good
4950 8/4 1724 AIR Srinagar, India, talks, fair
4960 8/4 1727 Voice of Russia, Tajikistan, reports in English, fair
4960 10/4 0404 VOA, Sao Tome, English news, good
4976 7/4 0247 UBC, Kampala, Uganda, songs, low modulation, poor/fair
5000 10/4 0406 WWV, Colorado, USA, pips, time, male voice, weak
5010 8/4 1728 AIR Thiruvananthapuram, India, music, talks, at 1730 news in English, fair
5024.917 10/4 0048 Radio Quillabamba, Cusco, Peru, songs, id 0101 after bird sound, weak (Rebelde OFF! till 0105)
5025 7/4 0534 Radio Rebelde, Cuba, songs, good
5025 9/4 2143 VL8K ABC Katherine, Australia, interview, fair NOT //4835
5040 8/4 1732 AIR Jeypore, India, news in English, (news //5010) fair
5040 8/4 2248 Radio Habana, Cuba, in Spanish, reports, fair
RX: Excalibur Pro; SDR-IQ; AOR 5000A; Drake SPR-4; Degen DE1103;
ANT: Wellbrook Loop LFL 1010; MaxiWhip 10 meters with balun 1:32 by A.Capra
QTH: Bocca di Magra (La Spezia, Liguria)
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