A Milano fa meno caldo. Mi è tornata la voglia di stare alla radio con la cuffia in testa. Ecco quindi un monitoraggio domenicale.

4880 28/8 1838 SW Radio Africa, South Africa, talks in English, songs, fair
4900 28/8 1906 Italian pirates QSO in AM, good
4930 28/8 1859 VOA, via Botswana, Id and News in English, fair //4940
4940 28/8 1905 VOA, via Sao Tome, id and "English teaching", good //4930
4976 28/8 1910 UBC, Kampala, Uganda, talks, in English, fair
5446.5 28/8 2327 AFRTS feeder, Saddlebunch, Keys, Florida, USA, USB, talks program, weak
5939.8 28/8 2318 Vox Missionaria, Camboriù, Brazil, usual religious talks, fair
5952.24 28/8 2311 Radio Pio XII, Bolivia, popular songs, fair (No trace of Elcor, Costa Rica)
6005 28/8 1915 Radio 700, Germany, nice songs, good rock, some in German, few ids, good
6055 28/8 2004 Radio Rwanda, talks in Vernacular, fair, clear channel till 2028 when stopped by Voice of Iran in Spanish
6100 28/8 2030 International Radio Serbia, start of the French program, news, good but with CRI in Arabic underneath

6165 28/8 2035 RD Tchadienne, Chad, talks, African politics, French, good
7125 28/8 2040 Radio Conakry, Guinea, some talks and songs, in French, fair but Ham QRM
7200 28/8 2045 Sudan RTVC, in Arabic, talks OM & YL, some Arabic songs, weak, better in LSB
7255 28/8 2049 Radio Belarus, English program, talks about culture, good, some QRM from China. End of the English BC with schedules, web & mail address,at 2053
9235 28/8 2056 Galei Zahal, Israel, talks, songs, ids, news, fair, fading
9645.3 28/8 2304 Radio Bandeirantes, Brazil, talks mentioning Sao Paulo many times, weak
9720 28/8 2300 Radio Veritas, Manila, Philippines, start of program in Tagalog, fair/good
9745 28/8 2248 Radio Bahrain, Arabic, songs, weak, stopped at 2257 by Radio Romania Int. starting in Spanish 10051 28/8 2243 New York Radio, USA, airports info, USB, fair
11665 28/8 2234 RTM Wai FM, Malaysia, songs, phone talks, ids, weak to fair, fading, "clean" channel
11695 28/8 2230 Radio Australia, in Indonesian, ids and talks, good
11725 28/8 2101 Radio New Zealand Int., international news, English, fair
11765 28/8 2220 Super Radio Deus è Amor, Brazil, usual great Pentecostal sermons, good
11815 28/8 2104 Radio Brasil Central, Brazil, nice Brazilian romantic songs, some ids, good Low AMs better
15190 28/8 2109 Radio Inconfidencia, Brazil, footbal live, good!
15344.2 28/8 2157 Radio Nacional, Argentina, Spanish, talks, Id, reports, la temperatura en Buenos Aires, good in LSB to avoid Morocco till around 2203 when Morocco closes
15720 28/8 2210 Radio New Zealand Int. Reports in English, fair, fading

QTH: Milan city, Italy
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