Alcuni ascolti tranquilli fatti in orari possibili con i ricevitori Collins 51S-1, Perseus, RFSpace SDR-14 e l'antenna T2FD. Il QTH è Milano city
5066.338 4/9 1803 tent. Radio Candip, Congo, talks mx, poor
6102 5/9 1610-1631* Radio Afghanistan, talks and songs, Urdu, yl final id and at 1631 weak, better in USB
6155 5/9 1633 Radio Russia, DRM, label "DRM RUVR 1A", German, classic music, audio only sometimes
6170 5/9 1637 DW, Relay Sri Lanka, English, reports, fair
9235 5/9 1748 Galei Zahal, Israel, songs, fair //15850
9310 5/9 1753 Deewa Radio, via Thailand to Afghanistan in Pashtu, reports ending with "(name of reporter) Deewa Radio Afghanistan", fair/good
9330 5/9 1757-1758* Radio Damascus, talks YL Russian, short music, fair, low modulation at 1759
9330 *1800 5/9 Radio Damascus, signal on after 2 minutes off, start of BC in German, fair, low modulation
9355 5/9 1804 Radio Free Asia, Mariana Isl. (pres) talking in Chinese with strong QRM from Chinese Firedrake with music jamming the channel
9524.97 5/9 1809 Voice of Indonesia, international reports, in German,id at 1815, fair

9645 7/9 1210 Radio Vaticana, in Italian, news and interviews, fair //7250 very good
11545 5/9 1735 Voice of Korea, North Korea, slow songs, talks in Arabic, id 1740 good
11565 5/9 1741 Radio Ashna, Sri Lanka, clandestine, mentioning many times Afghanistan, in Dari (reported), very good //11580 fair
11740 4/9 1834 Radio Damal, clandestine to Somalia, religious
11750 4/9 1829-1830* Sri Lanka BC, song, talk, abrupt signal off at 1830
11830 7/9 1145 Radio Habana, Cuba, music, talks, Spanish, weak
13264 7/9 1142 Shannon Volmet, Ireland, USB, airports info, good
15120 4/9 1818 Voice of Nigeria, in English, cultural reports about Yoruba, very good
15140 4/9 1813 Radio Sultanate of Oman, talks in Arabic, some music, weak
15140 5/9 1712-1715* AIR, Indian music, good, end of BC at 1715 Then it was possible to hear Oman
15190 4/9 1808 Radio Pilipinas, Philippines, talks, songs, good //11720 & 9395
15265 4/9 1821 Radio Pakistan, in Urdu, long talks, good //11590
15265 7/9 1100 Polskie Radio, start program in Russian, news, good, deep fading
15290 7/9 1103 Radio Jordan, in Arabic, talk like comment, fair
15320 7/9 1107 Radio Mashaal, via Thailand to Afghanistan, rep. in Pashtu, reports, fair //15360
15341.138 7/9 1112 RTV Marocaine, Arabic songs, very good
15360 5/9 1720 Voice of Asena, clandestine to Ethiopia, long talks like politics, good
15410 7/9 1116 All India Radio, Panaji, songs, talks about India, in Thai (rep), fair
15610 5/9 1730 WEWN, USA, conversation about family, English, good
15630 7/9 1120 Voice of Greece, political talks, Greek, good
15670 7/9 1123 Chinese Firedrake jamming a station (Voice of Free Asia?), very strong with usual terrible music
15680 7/9 1126 Radio Free Afghanistan, via Thailand, rep. in Dari, talks mentioning continuosly "Afghanistan", fair. At 1130 change of speaker and language with reports, mentioning also Pakistan
15825 4/9 1824 WWCR, USA, religious programme in English, good
15850 4/9 1826 Galei Zahal, Israel, songs, this evening really pleasant signal
17520 4/9 1831 WHRI, USA, religious speech, in English, good
17695 7/9 1134 Radio Farda, via Sri Lanka, in Farsi, reports, fair
17734 5/9 1650-1659* Radio Japan, via France, fair, Japanese slow songs, 1659
17745 5/9 1842 Sudan Radio Service, talks like reports, African songs, very good
17840 7/9 1138 Radio Sawa, via Kuwait, usual Western and Arabic songs, in Arabic, good
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