lunedì 16 aprile 2012

Segnali un po' diversi dal solito

Nelle scorse notti la propagazione è stata un po' migliore del solito, inoltre ci sono state alcune combinazioni positive. Ne sono venuti fuori degli ascolti un po' particolari. Tra l'altro ho rimesso in funzione anche il vecchio Drake R-4C che come audio resta davvero una bomba.

--- 6035.48v 15/4 2157 BBS Bhutan (presumed), music, poor still there at 0030 but still really low (Finalmente sono riuscito a tirare fuori un segnalino dopo alcuni giorni di tentativi)

--- 6069.96 16/4 0120 Radio Capital, Rio De Janeiro, tent., fighting with CFRX Toronto with same level carrier but lower modulation. Sport in Portuguese, better in LSB, poor (Questa volta il Canada era più debole e soprattutto la propagazione favoriva il Brasile, che però era penalizzato da una modulazione di qualità inferiore)

--- 6134.82 16/4 0040-0109* Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia, nice songs no stop, id on the hour, great ids at 0104-0106, Santa Cruz song, at 0109, really good this night !

Santa Cruz going to close Bc
--- 6154.928 15/4 0115 Radio Fides, Bolivia, weak but clear, AIR off, free channel, nice music. Till 0129 when AIR started to broadcast later than usual and stopped Fides.

Radio Fides alone without usual All India Radio co-channel
--- 6129.983v 15/4 2230 Lao National Radio, presumed, clear carrier, but not usable because strong PBS signal on 6130 (see below)

Presumed Lao carrier on 6129.983 close to PBS 

Altri ascolti:

4874,67 15/4 *0230  V.of Iranian Kurdistan, via Iraq, start of Bc with hymn, Holy Kuran, female talks & interview mentioning Kurdistan, Codar QRM, fair frequncy drifting
4914.985 15/4 0244 Radio Difusora Macapà, Brazil, two man talking, often mentioning Macapà, fair

5909.935 16/4 0111 Alcaravan Radio, Colombia, nice songs, fair
5952,44 15/4 0150 Radio Pio XII, Bolivia, sport, fair music, fair 
5954,26 15/4 0203 Radio Republica, Costa Rica, talks, ids, weak, no jamming
5969,99 0206 15/4 Radio Itatiaia, Brazil, fighting with Radio Farda 5970, Portuguese talks, poor
5995 15/4 2145 Radio Malì, Bamako, long talk in Arabic, fair
6049.92 16/4 0059 HCJB, Pifo, Ecuador, Andean music, the program in Vernacular language, songs, fair
6055 15/4 2030-2100* Radio Rwanda, Kigali, long talks in Vern., fair, at 2100 abrupt
6089.847 15/4 2214 Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, long talks in Hausa (pres.), then traditional African song, fair, in LSB to avoid Caribbean Beacon on 6090 
6095 15/4 1120 KBC, via Germany, show, great songs, perfect local audio
6130 15/4 2230 PBS Xizang Tibet, China, start of the English program, good // 6110
6160 15/4 2245 CKZN, CBC, St. John's, Canada, conversation in English, weak/fair
6160 15/4 0210 CKZN, St.John's, Canada, Gospel, talks, fair/good
6190 15/4 2300 Deutschlandfunk, Berlin, Germany, time signal, id, news in German, excellent

7175 15/4 0313 Voice of Broad Masses 2, Eritrea, African songs, good
7200 15/4 0304 SRTC, Sudan, news mentioning many times Sudan and Omdurman, at 0310 Holy Kuran, Arabic, fair/good
7205 15/4 0318 Voice of Broad Masses 1, Eritrea, Horn of Africa style songs, fair (In fact 7175 & 7205 are not in //)
7210 15/4 0322 Radio Fana, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa style songs, talks, fair
7215 15/4 0328 TWR, South Africa, start program in African language, fair

9490 15/4 2305 Radio Republica, via Canada, Cuban politics, Spanish, fair
9510 15/4 1148-1200*  IRRS (pres), tx?, songs no stop, good with some fading. Off without ids at 1200
9615 15/4 1800 Radio New Zealand International, news, English fair/good
9695 15/4 2315 Radio Australia, via Dhabbaya UAE, Indonesian, reports, id, fair
9835 15/4 2322 HCJB, via Chile, in German, songs and id, very good
10000 15/4 2330 Observatorio Nacional, Brazil, pips, time, ids, fair

11595 15/4 2334 Democratic Voice of Burma, via Yerevan, Armenia, interview, talks in Burmese, compressed modulation, fair/good
11645 15/4 2348 AIR, India, DRM label: "GOS I - ALL INDIA RADIO KHAMPUR", in English, many audio stops
11680 15/4 *2300 Radio Habana, Cuba, start program, news in Spanish, fair
11815 15/4 0220 Radio Brasil Central, Brazil, songs, very nice signal
11920 16/4 0010 HCJB, via Santiago, Chile, Spanish program, religious songs, talks about family, very good 

15190 15/4 1815 Radio Pilipinas, talks in Tagalog, songs, fair //11720
15265 15/4 1840 Radio Pakistan, slow songs, good //11575
15345.07 15/4 1850 Radio Nacional Argentina, talks, song,  news at 1900 "Por Nacional Argentina esta enformada", drifting, some splatter from Morocco, strong on  15349.14
15720 15/4 1905 Radio New Zealand Int. DRM label "New Zealand, varied, RNZI" voice only sometimes, so not usable (S 6)
15720 16/4 0020 Radio New Zealand Int., in English, reports, interviews, fair 

17550 15/4 1925-1929* Family Radio, music, id in unid language, at 1929 good (I think new frequency)

17640 15/4 1915 CVC, Chile, DRM, in Spanish, but voice audible only some times, so not usable. No label!

qth: Milano
rx: Drake R-4C - Excalibur Pro - Elad FDM-S1
ant: T2FD 15 meters long

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