Ecco qualche ascolto fatto a Milano nel rumore.
3975 29/11 0109 Azad Kashmir Radio, Pakistan, slow songs, talks, fair
4500 29/11 0118 CNR, Urumqui, China, talks in Mongolian (pres), ids around 0120 sounding like China Radio". Fiar/good
4765 29/11 0122 Tajik Radio, this night weaker then usual, songs, weak
4840 29/11 0125 WWCR, Nashville, USA, talks about population of USA and world, Good
4880 1/12 0109 AIR Lucknow, India, Indian songs, fair
5040 29/11 0128 Radio Habana, Cuba, in Creole, talks about Washington politics in Latin America and Caribbean. Very Good
5446.5 1/12 AFRTS, Key West, FL, USA, talks sport, fair, in USB, //7811
5755 1/12 0020 WTWW, Lebanon, TN, USA, night show & religious talks, good
5810 29/11 0134 WEWN, Vandiver, USA, talks in Spanish about the end of life and eutanasia, fair/good
5860 29/11 0131 Radio Farda, Irana Wila, Sri Lanka, news, id and songs as usual, fair with fading //5830 good
5952.41 29/11 0139 Radio Pio XII, Bolivia, nice music and phone conversation man/woman, fair
5960 29/11 0152 Radio Kuwait, Holy Kuran, good signal, but QRM from VOA and, after 0200, Radio Japan via Canada
6040 29/11 0203 Vatican Radio, via Bonaire, in Spanish, reports, fair, QRM from Belaruskoye Radio
6079.95 29/11 0215 Radio Marumby, Curitiba, Brazil, religious sermon (the Lord our doctor) //web streaming, fair
6080 29/11 0400 VOA, Sao Tome, news in English, fair, QRM from Radio Marumby
6090 29/11 Caribbean Beacon, Anguilla, usual talks, very good tonight
6095 29/11 0229 IRIB, Voice of Iran, start program (reported Pashtu), id, Holy Kuran. Good
6110 29/11 0420 Radio Fana, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa music & talks, fair
6160 29/11 0233 Radio Rossii, tx? Russian, talks, fair. No CBC Canada
6184.99 29/11 0240 Radio Educacion, Mexico, popular LA music, weak
6260 29/11 0250 CVC, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Hindi program, songs and talks, good
7180 29/11 0307 Voice of Broad Masses, Eritrea, Horn of Africa songs, fair
7245 29/11 0434 Radio Mauritanie, in Arabic, talks, good signal but modulation a little low
7365 29/11 0320 Radio Marti, USA, talks about Cuban society, very strong 9+30 //7405
7811 1/12 AFRTS, Key West, FL, USA, interview, fair, in USB
10000 1/12 0002 Observatorio Nacional, Brazil, usual ids, weak/fair
11710.81 29/11 0351 RAE, Argentina, in French, reports, fair (in USB to avoid CRI in Russian on 11710) - on 1/12 at 0035 id in Portuguese and songs, very good!
11695 1/12 00.40 VOA, Tinang, Philippines, "Special English" programme, fair
11765 29/11 0357 Super Radio Deus è Amor, Curitiba, Brazil, religious talks, fair/good
11780 1/12 0043 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brazil, nice folk Brazilian songs, fair/good
11815 29/11 0333 Radio Brasil Central, songs, good
11925.19 1/12 0046 Radio Bandeirantes, Brazil, commercials, talks, id, fair in USB to avoid QRM from CNR
12230 29/11 0347 Firedrake, Chinese music jammer, good
15189.92 1/12 0051 Radio Inconfidencia, Brazil, romantic songs, id, jingle, talks about the church of Santa Rita, fair, the only one station on 15 MHz with an accettable signal!
RX: Winradio G33DDC Excalibur Pro - Ant: T2FD
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