lunedì 12 agosto 2019

ARISS School Contact 15 Agosto 2019

Attenzione, update: c'è stato un cambiamento e l'astronauta schedulato è Drew Morgan ***

E' stato schedulato il primo ARISS School Contact per il nostro Luca Parmitano KF5KDP e sarà gestito dalla nostra Ground Station!
Il collegamento sarà con la scuola australiana Loreto College, Adelaide, South Australia; il callsign per la ISS sarà IRØISS. L'appuntamento è per giovedì 15 Agosto alle 09:17:06 UTC (11:17:06 ora locale per l'Italia). 

Il collegamento sarà udibile dall'Europa sintonizzandosi sulla frequenza di downlink della ISS, 145.800 MHz FM. Raccomandiamo sempre: solo RX, non chiamate la ISS per evitare interferenze inopportune, dato che la scuola aspetta questa possibilità da mesi.

Al link sarà messo a disposizione lo streaming dell'evento, che si potrà seguire da tutto il mondo e permetterà di seguire anche l'uplink.
(Foto dall'account Twitter dell'astronauta)
Il collegamento avverà in lingua inglese, vediamo le domande preparate dagli studenti:
1. As this is the year we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, has the moon any more significance to you?
2. What did it feel like when you first stepped into the International Space Station?
3. If you were able to choose how long to stay on the ISS, what would you say?
4. Would you like to explore space further, for example, be part of a mission to Mars?
5. Does viewing the Earth from space change the way in which you think about humanity?
6. I walk around my house; do you miss the feeling of “walking” in the Space Station?
7. What do you expect to see changing in the space industry in the coming years?
8. Is space tourism a worthwhile endeavour?
9. There are so many songs written with a space theme; what does space sound like?
10. Do you keep looking out in hope of seeing a UFO?
11. Does living without gravity impact on your physical state?
12. What do you do with any spare time?
13. Why is it called the “International” Space Station?
14. Are you able to keep in contact with family and close friends?
15. What do you do to overcome homesickness?
16. Is there ever a “day” in which you get bored?
17. Based on the experiences of past astronauts, what preparations are you already putting in place for your return?
18. If you had a choice of movie to watch, what would your favourite “space” movie be?
19. Viewing the “Blue Planet” from space, do you believe there are other planets that could support intelligent life?
20. Are you hopeful for our planet’s future?

Trasmettiamo in diretta ogni collegamento su :
IK1SLD Telebridge Ground Station

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