sabato 26 ottobre 2013


Ile de la Reunion - Reunion Island
L’amico DXer Bernard Grondin ha organizzato  la nuova edizione del  "Rallye-DX 2013" che si svolgerà  il 15-16-117 novembre 2013 sulle onde corte. La prima edizione del "Rallye-DX" si era svolta nell’ ottobre del 1992. Bernard abita a L'Étang-Salé nell’isola di Reunion, nell’Oceano Indiano, dove ha diretto una stazione radio FM.
 Appassionato Dxer da sempre, nel 2012 ha partecipato al nostro contest Attilio Leoni. Rallye-DX inizierà Venerdì 15 Novembre 2013 alle ore 00.00 UTC,  terminerà domenica 17 novembre 2013 alle 24H00 UTC. Al momento della registrazione vi verranno fornite tutte le informazioni necessarie per lo svolgimento del concorso. Chi desidera partecipare  e  poter ricevere i moduli e le regole del concorso, deve inviare una richiesta tramite e-mail a  , scrivete della vostra appartenenza all’A.I.R. (in  lingua francese oppure in inglese). 
Nel frattempo confermate la vostra partecipazione su Facebook nella pagina dedicata all'evento cliccando su "registrati" :

Chi vorrà partecipare nel gruppo  AIR RADIOASCOLTO su Facebook potrà scaricare i moduli in italiano (in FILE )
Buon contest ,gli associati all' AIR sono pregati di inserire nel modulo la dicitura "SOCI AIR" 

The global version of the "Rallye-DX" will start this year, from friday 15 november 2013 at 00H00 UTC to sunday 17 november 2013 at 24H00 UTC. For 72 hours, around the world at the same time, each DXer will listen the maximum shortwave broadcast radio stations, realizing the more reception reports of possible.

It will be a special moment for us all shortwave enthusiasts.

To formalize your registration and receive your forms register on this event page.

Further information will be given to progressively.

All reception reports will be made over a period of at least 15 minutes, with a maximum details of the program listened. You specify the name of the radio, language, date, Time UTC, the frequencies used and the code SINPO.

One reception report is authorized by radio per day, you can mention all frequencies heard. You can also do the following days other reception reports for the same radio, but other frequencies and at other times.

Reception reports for Time Signal radio station, military radio station, weather radio station is not authorized. The number of reception reports is not limited.

Each reception report will provide a maximum of 100 points.
Each reception report will be noted according to the following scale :
It is well noted in the reception report, radio name, language, date, UTC time, the code SINPO: 5 pts (1 point per info)
It is well noted in the reception report, frequencies listened : 10 pts (2 points per frequency)
It is well noted in the reception report, receiver type: 2 pts
It is well noted in the reception report, antenna type: 3 pts
It is well noted in the reception report, maximum program details: 60 pts (30 points for sufficient detail + 20 points for the announcement of Radio ID + 10 points for accurate identification the issuance listened)
If the listened station is far away from your QTH: 10 pts (2 points per 2000 km)
If the power used is very low: 10 pts (2 points less for each additional 50 kilowatts). 

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